Chapter 8 ep 4: Protect Y/n at all cost

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The doors of the operations bunker did not open, but another face scanners came out. Y/n sighed to herself and looked at Five.

"The hell is wrong with you? You look like a dodgy shrimp on ice." Lila said.

"Yeah," Y/n agreed. "It's cold and your not supposed to be sweating. Are you okay?" She asked.

Five looked at, "I'm fine." Y/n sighed and dug on her pocket, she pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to Five.

"You go scan yourself c'mon." Five nodded and went to face scanner. Just like Y/n it dinged.

"Acces granted"

"I guess you guys are an essential personnel." Lila said as the doors slowly opened.

"Hmmm, I doubt that. I don't work here."
Y/n reasoned.

"They might know you..." Five said. All of them went inside when the door was fully opened.

"That's him, huh?, The founder." Five said and put the handbook in a nearby table.

"Look like a tinned beef. I was expecting more man," Lila knocked on the ventilator tube. "And less can."

Five walked towards the where Lila was standing, but his face dropped when he saw himself.

"This can't be.."

"Anything wrong?" Y/n asked from the other side of the ventilator.

"What's wrong?" Lila asked aswell.

"It's.... Me...."

Lila started laughing and Y/n looked at Five.

"So this whole time you've been complaining about the commission, and your the one who founded it. Classic." Lila said while laughing.

"If I did, I have no memory of it." Five said while glaring daggers as his 100-year-old-self.

"So here I was thinking that your maverick, but your a, down to the bone." Lila said. "I mean you, you literally cannot breathe without this place."

"Something's not right. I don't have paradox pyschosis, I can feel it outside. But in here it's..... nothing."

"The room. Made to be paradox free." Y/n said while looking at Five and his 100-year-old-self. She can't stop looking at the old man's hand. It is balled up in a fist and she for a fact knew there's something in it.

"Never too bright were we?" The old Five stated with a raspy voice.

"Just like Y/n said this room is paradox proof. I constructed as a panic room, incase something collapse in the time continuum. In this room all permutations of yourself can exist. You must be here because of, kugelblitz."

"How do you know my name?" Y/n walked over towards Five and Lila.

"Y/n, I- I'm sorry. I failed. B- but- I still have i- it." Old Five said.

"What?" She was ignored.

"Kugelblitz. Is that like cheese blintz or something?" Lila asked.

"It's the german for ball of lightning." Y/n explained to Lila. Lila nodded slowly.

"It's an extra kinky, kind of black hole," Five contined.

"The kind that can suck an entire timelines." Lila finished now understanding.

"B- bingo," Old Five pointed out.

"So how do we fix it?" Five asked his old self.

First he started laughing, but it turned into cough before he answered. "You don't,"

"If you created all of this, then you must have created a solution." Five sneered. Y/n put a hand on Five's shoulder to calm him down a bit which he did. (Y/n's touch always calm people. Ik right. Sorry to the story...)

"The only left is..... Oblivion." Old Five said. He's voice was getting quieter and raspier every second.

"Oblivion?" Lila leaned in on the tube, "What do you mean?"

The tube opened and the old Five's body in now seen. His left hand was cut off, a tatto on his chest and his balled up fist on the right.

"This is what you have coming," The old Five said to while looking to the young version of him.

"Listen to me you ass, I just spent the last twenty days running around trying to saving the world from apocalypses, only to keep trying to save the world. Now I'm stuck in this pubescent body, my hormones are raging, and all I want to do is to confess my feelings to someone, go out and buy a 1970's corvette stingray."

"Take it easy on him, Five." Lila said looking at the interaction between a teen Five and an old Five. Y/n stood behind still wondering what the Old Five told her. He said something about a thing, she just don't know what is it.

"Lila, this is between me and myself so stay out of it, Thank you." Five said looking at Lila and back to his old self again.

"Now this kugelblitz, it is not some tiny leak that we can simply fix by patching a couple of tapeholes. It is a giant trash impactor, which is grinning up the universe and consuming it whole. So tell me. HOW YOU STOP IT."

The old Five was scared at his teen self. He started trembling, "Whatever you do, don't save the world and protect Y/n." Were his last words, before the monitor started beating very fast and the lights around the room died down. The Old Five is dead.

"What do you mean dont save the- FIVE. HOW DO I FIX THIS." He started yelling.

Lila put her two fingers on the old man's neck and started to feel his pulse. "He's dead, Five." Lila said.

Five looked at his old self. Scared, shock and confused. He was panting heavily, Y/n sighed and she walked towards Lila.

"Can I have the room?" He asked in a low voice something that the two didn't expect to see. Five was broken, scared and this time he really didn't know what to do.

"I don't think we should-" Lila was cut off buy Y/n.

"We'll wait for you outside." Y/n said, she offered Five a small smile and dragged Lila out of the room.

When Lila and Y/n we're out of the room he looked up blinking the tears away. He wanted to cry, so bad, for the past twenty days of trying to save the world he was tired. He just wants peace and as he said retirement.

He looked around, "Son of a bitch." He breathed out. Then a tattoo caught his eye, he dug through his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. (Y'know what he did..)

He looked at the old man's right hand. It was balled up to a fist, he opened the hands and saw a ring in it. He thought the ring was familiar, he saw it from someone but just can't seem to put it on perfect puzzle piece.

He pocketed the ring in his pants and the slab of his tattooed skin on the pockets of his suit.

He took a last glance at himself and left. Outside Lila was leaning on the wall in front of the door and next to her was Y/n who was sitting on the floor.

"You okay?" Y/n asked when she saw Five came out.

"Yeah," Five answered. "C'mon let's go back."

And they did, they copied their steps from earlier and successfully travel back to the hotel obsidian.

love in a different timeline || 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚡𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now