Chapter 5: Questions

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Apo's POV
After Bas go. I asked Erika to sweep the floor, wipe the glass window and spray the flower. I give light job because I don't want to hurt her. She's so kind. There's no need to be scared of it.

I asked Mile to help to wrap the flower to be a bouquet. I teach step by step. He seems to struggle to do it. Then he finished his but it so ugly. My customers are gonna be mad if they get that. Then I ask him to just cut the leaf from the flowers.

While we do our work I want to ask him a couple of questions. Actually, I want to know more about him.

"So.... Mile. Who actually are you?" I asked

"Who am I? Your future husband" He wink at me

"Hmm don't play fool" I said

"Okay fine. But don't tell anybody. If you tell anybody I will stab you but not with a knife. With something else" He said with devilish smile

*Gulp* The only thing I can do

"My dad is a Leader of some group of mafia. Don't be scared he's dead. Now I'm incharge." He said

" So it's is okay for you to be here? What about your job as a leader?" I want to dig for information.

"I don't care. As long as I'm with you everything's gonna be okay." He said to me.

"One last question. Why do you want to marry me?" I asked. He seems rich then why he wants a man like me. He obviously can get someone better

"Actually, I don't know. But when I saw you for the first time, I had the feeling that I wanted to protect you for my whole life. I want to grow old with you." He said while staring into my eyes. My heart is beating so fast. I feel heat from my face. I was shivering. Is this how falling in love feels? Or I'm gonna have a heart attack?

"And also not to forget. It's because you are so cute, shawty" He smacked my ass. What a jerk

"Ouch" Why did he smack so hard?

"Now my turn to ask you question"

"Okay. You can ask me any questions except weird and horny questions" I said to him.

"Okay then. Do you like Bas?"

"Next question please" I said. I don't want to answer that.

"No! answer it" He angrily said to me

"Ok ok geez. I have a crush on him. But yeah he already has a girlfriend. I don't like to be the person that ruin someone's else life"

"What about me? I'm good looking, rich, big. And also I'm single."

"Erm yeah. Anyways, I have a lot of work to do" I like him. I don't love him. It's because he deserves someone better than me.

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