Her Childhood

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"Hurry up." Emily spat as the young girl cleaned the floor with the torn wet cloth that was handed to her by her own mother. "Scrub over there, Y/n." She spoke, her voice void of any emotions in them. As if she was reciting it out to the little girl whose knees were bruised from kneeling on the cold floor all day.
The girl looked up at her mother, her eyes red and watered. "Yes, mother." She voiced out, scrubbing the part near her shoes. "Hand me that, you naive little girl." Emily sighed annoyingly as if she was done with her own daughter. "Yes, mother." She replied, shaking as she hands the wet cloth to her mother. "Wipe my shoes, you filthy chattel." She smiled mockingly before throwing the wet cloth on her face. The little girl clenched her fists as she removed the cloth from her face, wiping the dirt off her mother's shoes.
Emily looked down at her, as her smile grew wider. "Stop." Emily ordered as the little girl stopped almost immediately, as if she was a robot or even worse...a doll controlled by a key inserted from the back. She looked like all the life had been sucked out of her. "Hand me the cloth." Emily grinned as a faint 'tsk' escaped the little girl's mouth, both her hands flying up to her mouth as she covered it with terror flashing in her eyes. She trembled as Emily stared at her angrily. "What was that I heard? Oh, was it a 'tsk'? Who are you to 'tsk' me? Open your mouth." She screeched, making the little girl fight the urge to cover her ears. She shook her head, earning a satisfied hum from Emily. "So you won't do it? Thought so." Saying this, Emily got up before kicking the little girl in the chest making her fall on her back. "We'll have to do this my way then, Y/n. Don't make me do it. It won't be nice." Emily warned as Y/n teared up. "Fine then." Emily shrugged as she snatched the cloth from her hands before forcing her mouth open. "Easy, isn't it?" Emily smirked before stuffing her hand inside the little girl's mouth before holding onto a tooth. Feeling her try to pull on it, Y/n's eyes widened as she joined her hands together in front of Emily.
Tears never stopped escaping her eyes. Emily only smiled at her own daughter wickedly before pulling the girl's teeth out making her gasp and howl in pain. "Not a single noise out of your mug, or I'll take them all out. Let's see if you can make that disrespectful 'tsk' at me again after this." Emily gawped as the girl suppressed her hiccups and sobs, with blood seeping down her chin. "Y..Yes, mother." Y/n croaked out as Emily got up before pulling the girl up by her hair. "Did you just stutter? You know how I hate people who stutter right?" She spoke, staring at her nails as she blew on her fingers whereas the 11 year old girl watched her mom, horrified. It was nothing new but it still horrified her everyday as if it was the first time her mother had done something like this. Once it was a finger, or a nail. On special occasions, she'd shave the girl's hair and send her outside in the most ridiculous dress. Believing that this was the best way to treat her kids, Emily had always abused both her daughters. Mainly Y/n because she was the elder one.
Y/n's dad abandoned Emily right after Y/n was born as he did not want a girl. And Emily always blamed Y/n for it. Taking her anger and resentment out on her in the worst ways possible. 
"Sorry, m...mother." Y/n hissed as Emily stuffed the dirty cloth in her mouth. "Good. Way better now." Emily smiled before pushing her back to the ground as she left the cellar. "I wish..I wish I never turn out to be like her..." Y/n murmured to herself as she took the cloth out of her mouth before puking on the floor out of disgust. Hearing this, Emily smirked as she took her knife out before rushing towards Y/n but was stabbed with an antler from the back by none other than Phoebe, Y/n's sister and Emily's youngest daughter.

Letting out a painful gasp, the knife weakly fell out of Emily's grasp as she dropped on her knees before pulling the antler out of her back making blood gush out of her bank. The antler was covered and dripping in blood. "Y/n help me." She croaked out in pain whereas you weakly walked over to Phoebe, hugging her as she cried in your embrace. "I said, help me." Emily yelled in pain as Y/n felt the bubbling anger erupt out of her veins. Phoebe sensing this, held onto Y/n tighter yet it did not stop her. Y/n got up and stormed over to Emily before standing right above her with a needle. "No...No please." Emily cried as she widened her eyes in terror, fearing what Y/n was about to do.
"Remember w..when you told me getting a cut and sewing it without numbing it didn't hurt at all? Well, let's test it out on you shall we, mother?" Y/n stuttered as she controlled her hiccups and sobs. "You wouldn't do that." Emily rasped out, trying to stand up but all the effort went in vain. "Oh, mother. You don't know the monster you raised." Y/n smiled, mirroring exactly what her mother would do and say when she tortured her. Picking up the knife, she rubbed salt water on it before placing a deep cut on Emily's arm making her shriek and cry out in pain as Phoebe covered her ears, not being able to take in the painful screams of pain.
Y/n wiped her tears away before dampening the thread and the needle in the same salt water making Emily pant and grasp her hand. "Just wait till I get better, you're going to pay for what you're doing right now, Y/n" Emily warned as she hissed in pain. Y/n chuckled as she kept the needle and thread away before pouring the entire glass of salty water over Emily's deep cut as she screamed and yelled in agony making Y/n let out. sigh of satisfaction. 
"You're not going to get better, Emily. Just accept the fact that you're going to die soon, witch." Y/n spat as Emily tried to strangle her making Y/n pour hot tea on the wound. "Don't touch me." Y/n let tears out as she felt Emily getting weaker and weaker with every second that passed by. She picked up the needle and started sewing her mother's cut whilst ignoring her pleads and cries. Emily's eyes roamed around the dark room; the candle being it's only source of light. The dimly lit room, the dark damp walls with cobwebs and dust decorating the floor and the roof, Emily realized she'd been treating her own blood worst than any prosecutor would treat a prisoner. Her eyes landed on Phoebe, calling her out for help as Phoebe nodded before sneakingly walking over to Y/n, creeping up her back as she tried to pull her away.
"Let her go! Leave her, Y/s. She's saying something!" Phoebe cried as Y/n shook her head. "Let me do it. Let me end my suffering. Our  suffering! Please!" Y/n cried out as Phoebe shook her head. "No, this is not the way...what we're doing is wrong...!" Phoebe sobbed as Emily took this as a chance and swung at Y/n making her fall back, hissing at the impact on her cheek. "Shitty little pigs. I'll show y-" "Oh no, you don't, mother." Y/n cut her off before striking her right into he chest with the same antler that had killed who ever came in the way of Emily.
The same antler had caused her own death. Ironic, isn't it? Coughing out blood, Emily laid flat on her face, the floor now being painted with red. "Y-Y/n what have you done!" Phoebe cried out as Y/n stared at her blood covered face in the broken mirror right beside Emily who laid there, completely lifeless.

"I ended the bad omen." Y/n spoke as she kept the antler beside Emily, as if she was mocking her own mother for her death's cause, which she was.

"Bring her back."
"I said bring out mom back, Y/n!" Phoebe cried loudly as she started hitting Y/n who tried to control her anger. "We don't need her." Y/n sighed as she tried to push Phoebe away who wouldn't budge one bit from letting her sister take account for what she'd done. "I tried to save you and you did something no one can-" "Shut your little mouth up. If she were alive we both would've been dead someday." Y/n spat as Phoebe cried louder.

"You're just like her." Phoebe sniffled. This statement made Y/n lose her last strand of patience. She held her own sister's hand before pushing her away. But since Phoebe's figure and frame were way too small for that much energy, her neck landed straight on the pointy horn on the antler making her die right at the spot. Y/n froze right there. Her hands covered with blood. She stared at her now dead sister who's eyes were staring right into Y/n's ocean blue eyes. "Wake up, Phoebe. This isn't funny! W...Wake up!" Y/n cried, but stopped immediately when she saw the sun shining above her. 
"C'mon it's going to be rainy tomorrow!" A voice called out. A voice she was really familiar with. "P...Phoebe...what..." Y/n sniffled as she hugged Phoebe tightly making her chuckle. "Oh it's still that nightmare that's making you sad isn't it?" Phoebe spoke, wiping her sister's face who just looked behind her only to see Emily...
"M..Mother.." Y/n stuttered as Emily hugged her before kissing her forehead. She just stood there, dumfounded and astonished at the motherly care she'd just received. And it was Emily, her own blood mother loving her. They took her out of the cellar and spent time together, with their father who was barely present in their lives. Y/n finally let out a sigh of happiness seeing her receive the emotional care and living in the world she'd created out of the immense lack of love and affectional parenting. There was no father. There was no affectionate hugs. No shining sun. No Phoebe. No open air or happiness. Just hallucinations.
 In fact, Y/n never left the cellar at all. All this was just inside her head.

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