~Chapter Three~

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(Lou's POV)

We all froze. Once we finally realized we had to act fast, we began whisper-yelling at one another as the curtain. "TUESDAY JUST HAND IT OVER!" Kitty suddenly shouted, just as  we came into full view. Tuesday still clutched the crown in her hands. The audience froze like we did. The silence was frankly, quite uncomfortable. "We'll just..." I slowly stepped away. "Go now..." And with that, we all began running. "HEY! STOP THEM!" The girl with the bun, the announcer, shouted. We ran out the front door, sliding over tables and hopping over chairs. We ran as fast as we could until we reached a dead end.

"Quick! Get something, anything!" Tuesday shouted, holding the crown with shaky hands. Lydia dug through her pockets, finally pulling out a grappling hook. She shot it up, it hooked onto a roof of one of the houses infront of us. The crowd was getting closer and we climbed as quick as we could. I climbed up last. "There they are!" I heard someone shout. We all turned around, Lydia was already on the roof and helping Kitty up. Tuesday was nearing them and I was just barely getting on. "Lou come on!" Kitty yelled. "I'm... Trying!"

I struggled, tired from running. That's when I noticed some of the dolls had...  GUNS?! "OH MY DOLL THEY HAVE GUNS!" Tuesday shrieked, dropping the crown. Luckily, I caught it. "Hah!" I laughed, proud of myself. Just as I started to climb again, someone grabbed my wrist. "Oh no..." I muttered as they spun me around. I hung on with one hand. "Don't kill me!" I blurted out, closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes and looked at the person. It was a boy with freckles dotted across his face. His hair was brown with a green streak and fell slightly over his eyes. His vibrant green and purple eyes... He stared at me for a moment. He didn't say anything, and neither did I. I felt this odd feeling, like a weird spark in my heart. And something told me he felt it too. And then, to my surprise, he slowly and gently let me go. "Go.." he whispered. The other dolls were to focused on throwing rocks and shooting at the girls to notice us.

I quickly turned and dashed up the rope. Kitty grabbed me and pulled me up. I gave him a quick glance before I ran off. He looked up at me, smiled sweetly, and winked at me before walking off through the crowd. For whatever reason, my face heated up. Who is that guy? Why am I blushing? Why did he let me go? "Lou! Get your blonde butt over here!" Kitty's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Okay, okay!" I turned around and ran towards them

(Back at the base)

(Lydia's POV)

"We did it!" Tuesday hugged me tightly. "Can't... Breathe..." I mustered. "Oh! Sorry!!" She let go. "Where's Lou?" Kitty came out of the bathroom. "He went to bed!" Tuesday smiled at her, flopping down on the couch. "That's odd... It's only 9:25..." Kitty muttered, sitting as well. I sat next to her. "I know right? He usually goes to bed by at least 11:30." "Maybe he was just tired after today?" Tuesday suggested, then yawned. "I'm tired too." She rested her head on my shoulder. "Something isn't right..." I whispered. "Should we check on him?" Kitty asked. "No, no..." I said. "Let's just leave him be, he might need some time to himself right now... And who are we to intrude on that?" Kitty nodded. "Yeah, your right. Let's just leave him for now..."

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