Prologue: A summer worth remembering

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Summer was a season that I never liked much. The waves of heat that seem to get hotter every year always made me reconsider whether the chilling sweet embrace of death was a preferable option to stay in this hellish country that was Japan. Yet, this year's summer was perhaps the only summer that I had ever looked forward to in my years of existence.

I will be meeting my dear Onii-san. My sweet, one and only Onii-san.

Onii-san had always been a strong figure before my eyes.

Even in my childhood, Onii-san was the one who shield me from our father. Whether it was violence or cruel word that came from that failure of a parent figure, I could always trust him to be there for me. And this trust only grew further as time went on. And before I knew it, he had already become an inseparable part of my life.

A rock among the seas of sand. A home that I could forever return to. That's his place within my heart.

I knew that regardless of how childish I acted before him, regardless of how much frustration I had vented at him, he would always forgive me in the end. After all, I'm his sister, the irreplaceable sister of his. Thinking back now, it was a selfish thought that I had. How arrogant must I be to expect someone to put up with who I am in the past, and how much love he poured onto me to still pamper me for who I am.

Ah, my heart hurt even more now with these thoughts. If I'm not careful, I could be tearing up before I knew it. He had mentioned before that he doesn't like seeing my eyes filled with guilt. Thus, I must remove these thoughts before meeting him

...Onii-san was an idiot.

A pitiful idiot at that.

He was fragile like a glass yet acted as a bastion for me, a sand castle that could fall apart any seconds the moment waves hit the shore.

But, he was still my Onii-san regardless. One that had stood for me when I could not, one that I held dear in my heart.

Following the shake of my head, I pulled up my phone and opened a messaging app.

(Onii-san! I'm on the way already. Are you awake yet?)

Followed by a few minutes of silence, a reply came in.

(Yeah. When will you reach my house?)

(10 minutes hehe.)

(What??? Didn't you tell me you will come at noon yesterday?)

I could already imagine his face on the other side of the phone filled with shock and surprise. With a smile, I began typing an explanation on my part.

(I did plan to. But I got too excited and ended up boarding the earliest train. I will be there soon. Hopefully, you already tidied up your house by then~ I was hoping to give your house a brief inspection to see if I will discover interesting things. You won't possibly have porn in your room right?)

(Damn you- Call me when you arrive then.)

As I gave off a small grin from the corner of my mouth. I looked out of the train's window and enjoyed the scenery as my ride closed on to the final station of my route. Three years of separation had grown the longing for reunion within me. Despite what my text had indicated, I was anxious about the upcoming visits. Will Onii-san remain the same after all these years? How much has he changed within this time frame? Will he still treat me the way he used to? Should I approach him with the clingy side of me or should I act more like an adult? These questions were left unanswered and I'm not comfortable with that conclusion.

This was the longest time I had separated from him. Three years, it was a duration long enough for an infant to grow into a child. Despite the frequent exchange of messages between me and him. Who knew what changes he had gone through all these years?

Will he still love me the way he used to do? My body tensed up just from the mere thoughts of the possibility of our relationship crumbling apart into pieces.

I shook my head once again. I can't let the anxiety get to me. Regardless, I supposed an idiot like Onii-san will just treat me like a child like he always had, hopefully.

Speaking of that, I hoped that Onii-san didn't get tangled up in other women's affairs when I'm absent. After all, he tends to attract the attention of other females, mostly cute ones moreover. One of his nature that I hated the most. If only I could squash those women like the bug they are...But Onii-san won't like that, so I should probably scrap the idea soon.

I knew that it was jealousy that was burning in my heart and that I had no say in his private life with my current relationship with him. But this was the only thing I won't ever give up on. So, even God will forgive me, right?

Regardless, this trip that had been delayed months after months had finally reached its destination. And life must goes on.

I wasn't sure if bringing him back to Tokyo was the right decision for him. But I don't want him to continue pondering upon the past, licking his wound in the corner like an abandoned pet.

So, for the purpose of healing his wound.

To allow him to start over again.

For our relationship to continue blossoms.

"I'm back, Onii-san~"


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(Yum, fast food)

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