robby x reader fluff

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robby was the best boyfriend you've ever had. he was the definition of 'perfect boyfriend'. he never rushed you into anything. you've been dating for around 2 months today and he only said 'i love you' a few times. you never said it back. you couldn't. not with your past relationships. you knew each other since the start of senior year, which was this year. you definitely liked him but wasn't sure if it was love. you've had a lot of trouble with boys and didn't want to rush into a relationship. he understood. he took it slow with you and only did things if you wanted to

he on the other hand adored you. he loved you to bits. you were his whole world. his favourite person in the world. every time he went out with his friends, he would only talk about you. he kissed you on the forehead every now and then and you kissed him on the cheek as he did the same

as it was your 2 months, robby invited you over to his to sleep and have a bit of a date night. his mom wasn't going to be in as she was away for business for the next week. you checked your phone to see a good morning message from robby that you get every day without fail

 you checked your phone to see a good morning message from robby that you get every day without fail

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(the messages^)

you get ready for the day and get your overnight bag ready. it gets to around 4 so you grab your bag with everything in it and jump in your car. it takes around 15 minutes to get to his house so you just put on the radio on as you quietly sung to the songs

you arrived so you jump out your car and walked upstairs to his apartment. you knocked on his door and as it opens you're greeted with a shirtless, yet handsome robby. he slightly bends down to hug you and give you a forehead kiss as you blush. you hide your face in his shoulder breathing in his cologne that he was wearing. you could tell he went over the top with it so you just giggled

"what're you laughing at silly?" robby questioned while chucking at you

"you" you replied while kissing his cheek and giggling more

he moves to the side to let you in because you were both still stood in the doorway. as soon as you step in, your nostrils fill with the smell of pizza just fresh out the oven. you breathe in the delicious scent as you drop your stuff off in his bedroom. you smile at the plush you won at golf 'n' stuff last time you went laid on his bed still

you quickly get changed into your pyjamas seeing as robby was already ready for the night. he just wore some joggers while you wore a white top and pink shorts that were silky

 he just wore some joggers while you wore a white top and pink shorts that were silky

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(what you're wearing^)

you walked back into the lounge room as yours and his pizza was out on the table and robby was picking something to watch on netflix. "what do you wanna watch my love?"

"lets watch wild child!" you shout but not too loud

"wild child it is" robby says lovingly as he searches up wild child on the search bar

"you look gorgeous by the way (y/n)" robby mentions sweetly before you started watching the film

"and you look handsome robby" you giggle as he kisses your head before digging into his pizza and pressing play on the film

you laid into robby as he put his arm around you while still biting into your pizza

you laid into robby as he put his arm around you while still biting into your pizza

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(what you look like^)

half way through the movie, as you got to the bit where poppy and freddie kissed on their date, you look up at robby while shaking a bit, sitting up

"robby" you said softly trying not to startle him from the sudden movement

"hm?" he replied sounding tired, seeming as it was getting a bit later

"i think i love you" you said. you were nervous. everyone that you had loved always left, what if robby also left? he'd said that he loved you before so would he stay?

"are you sure my love?" robby questioned. he knew you had a lot of trouble with boys and he respected that

"yes robby" i started "i love you with my whole fucking heart. you're the one. i trust you with my whole fucking heart. you're different to other guys. i know we haven't been together very long but i know that you're different. i can feel it. just please stay because every i get my hopes up everyone always leaves so please stay"

"i love you too my love. i promise i won't leave. i'll always be there for you, even if im not the best at it i'll always try. i love you with my whole heart and i always will. i love you so much my love" robby ensured

i stared into his eyes and then glanced to his lips. he looked desperate so i did it for him. i leant in and kissed his lips. they were so soft and plump

and from that day on, he stuck to his promise

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