Chapter 27: Everyone's POV

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TW: Suicide.


When Draco entered the deserted common rooms, he found that Harry had already packed a small bag, and had already accidentally cut himself on the palm of his hand while trying to do so. Draco stopped in front of him, tilting his head to the side.  "What are you doing?" Harry looked up at him, startled. He brought a newspaper out from his bag, tracing the tip of his finger along the headline. "There's been another mass breakout in Azkaban," he replied, and Draco's breath hitched in his throat. He stumbled back, and Harry glanced back at him, a look of resolution on his face.

"Does that mean...?"  Harry nodded at him, dropping the newspaper.  "But I'll fix it. I'll make sure that he doesn't lay a finger on you, don't worry-" Draco shook his head, sighing. "You can't just run off and play hero again, Harry. It's not safe, and besides my father couldn't possibly know about us, he's probably halfway across the world by now-" Harry stood up, his bag falling from his hand in the process. "But what if he isn't? What if he knows all about us, what if someone already told him? You can't be so sure, Draco,"  he added, looking away.

Draco placed his hands on Harry's shoulders, smiling at him.  "Hey, hey, it'll be fine, you don't need to freak out. So what if my crazy homophobic father broke out of his prison cell, and is probably looking for me as we speak, you and I have gotten through way worse things. This is just a small obstacle, I promise." Harry blinked at him, putting his cut hand onto the side of his cheek. "You promise? So I can I can go out there and totally kick your dad's ass?" Draco stared at him for a moment, before bursting into laughter.

"Hey, this is not a joke, I'm in mortal distress about this!" Draco sat back, covering his face with his hands. "I know, I know, it's just the way you said it. Is there anything I can do to stop you from going?" Harry shook his head, crossing his arms. "Fine. But Hermione and I have to come along too." He immediately opened his mouth to protest, but Draco held a finger to his lips, his eyebrow raised. "And don't even start with the whole 'you guys can't come with me, it's too dangerous,' because you'd be wasting your time, we're coming anyway." Harry shut his mouth, looking defeated.

"Ok then. But what about Ron?" Draco's eyes lingered on Harry's hand, studying the cut. "Oh, yeah, he got his nose cursed off a couple hours ago, he's in the hospital wing." Harry spluttered with laughter, all traces of curiosity disappearing from his face. "Who did that to him?"
"Just some angry classmate, I think. What happened to your hand?" Harry looked down at his palm, turning it over. "Oh, that? I just accidentally cut it while trying to handle my pocket knife." Draco sighed at him, reaching for his hand. Harry let him take it.

"You're so clumsy, I hope you know that. Do you have any bandages in here?"  Harry nodded at him, drawing out a medical kit, and revealing the bandages. Draco cleaned the wound while his boyfriend watched him, groaning silently when he put pressure on the cut.  "How did you learn how to dress a wound?"  Draco shrugged, wrapping the bandage tightly around Harry's hand.  "I don't know how, I guess I kinda had to."  Once he had finished, Draco bent his head over his lap for a moment, not quite meeting Harry's eyes. Harry frowned at him.

"What do you mean by that?" He didn't get a response, but he already knew what it meant. He just hoped it wasn't true. "We'll deal with him, I promise, he won't be able to hurt you again."  Draco looked up at him, a weak smile on his face.  'Straight' after that, the two walked out of the common rooms, where Hermione stood, waiting for them.  "So, have you given up on this completely irrational plan? Are we using our initiative now?"  Harry shook his head, placing his hands on his hips.  "I've never felt so reckless, Hermione, which means we're all going on this  'suicide'  mission."  Hermione raised her eyebrows, massaging the side of her head.

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