Chapter three

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It's been a few weeks past and I haven't
Seen jacob since then he has been ghosting
Me I haven't thought it much but Taylor,
Eliza and Britney keep reminding me

I finally decided to text him

I text Jacob "we need to talk. My mom isn't
Home come over" He replies "I'll be there in Five"

He finally gets here and I'm standing in the kitchen
"I'm in here!" He walks in the kitchen "hey" I look

At him "Hey, I just want to talk about how we don'tSee each other enough" shrugs "we haven't talked orSeen each other in almost a month" He gets mad andYou could tell by the way he was talking "What the hell?""I come here just for that? Just for you to tell me, we don't See each other enough?""Well it's true. We don't" He walks over and smacks Me and I look at him "What?" tears start forming inMy eyes "please don't cry baby" He tries to hug me but I push him "No, get away from me." He grabs me by my Waist "don't push me, or i'll give you a reason to push me"I push him off of me"Get off of me!" He walks over to me and pullsMy pants down as I am getting scared to talkHe bends me over then starts railing me. I can Feel my body not being able to take it and I yellAnd moan " "ahhh! I'm s-sorry" he says "Your Gonna start being a good girl for me?"Y-yes i'm sorry a-ahhh" I can feel my body Coming to the edge. He picks me up and goFaster making me break out a big ahh he doesn't

Stop making me  yell "Ahhh I'm sorry!" He finally stops "good." I realize he isn't the Person he was before or what I saw. He leaves And I am still thinking about what happened And how he isn't like the guy i saw before, I go To Eliza "hey , Eliza I have a question" She is confused

And she looks at me "What should someone do If their boyfriend was abusive?" She is very positive About her response "I think they should leave it, I Think they should leave it in the past and just stop Talking to the guy and just leave before it ruins her life.Why?" I listen to her and make up a lie "My friend wanted To know for her self" She says "Are you sure?" I nod "Yeah i'm sure" I get up and I go to a Bar and meet My brother "Hey" He orders a drink "Oh hey" I look At him "Oh you are so drunk!" He laughs "Or high" I roll my eyes because he is being a smart Ass "Whatever" I order a drink

Now i do want to say this was my very first smut scene so don't make any comments about it please and thank you 

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