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HELLLOOO!! hope you're all doing well! my days of summer r literally slimming down and it makes me wanna sob


it's around 8am and i'm in our basement, doing training. lucinda sent ricky and i an email with all the information we'll need and she suggested training in case of anything bad so...here we are.

"nini?!", my dad shouts.

"down here!", i shout back through my heavy breathing.

i stop my training, wiping my forehead and grabbing my water bottle. i pour water in my mouth, letting out a big exhale. i see my dad walk downstairs and he smiles at me.

"how're you doing?", he asks.

i nod, "tired. i need to finish packing though."


"do you have a toothbrush?", my mom asks.

i nod my head once again, "i have everything i promise. i'll be fine...i mean after all you are the ones sending me to france."

they give me stern looks and i raise my brows, holding my hands up in defense. i drag my suitcases towards the doors and a guy in a black suit is waiting. he takes my suitcases and i watch as he pulls them down the driveway and into the black car.

"remember someone will always be available to call.", my dad reminds me.

i nod my head, hugging both of my parents tightly. they kiss my head and hug me once more.

"i love you guys. see you soon.", i smile as i wave, exiting my house.

i walk down the steps, down the driveway, and get into the backseat of the car. i see the curly haired boy sitting inside already, typing on his phone. he looks up at the sound of the door opening, smiling at me.

"morning", he greets.

"hey", i smile, buckling my seatbelt.

i see out the window how my parents watch from the door, waving their hands before they shut it. i suck in a deep breath and look down at my lap.

"you ready?", ricky asks and i look up at him, shrugging.

"i don't know...kinda nervous. aren't you?", i question.

he nods, "oh definitely. but...according to them we're the two best spies so—"

i chuckle and nod my head in agreement. i stare out the window at the passing trees and we eventually pass east high.

i cannot believe i'm going to france right now.


the man in the black suit loads our suitcases into the private jet before helping ricky and i on. my eyes widen at the sight. basically every seat is a top tier first class seat.

ricky and i choose seats towards the middle and sit down in spots next to each other. there's a little door between us that provides us with some privacy but we can open it whenever we want.

in the little cubical area there's an extremely comfortable seat that reclines into a bed, there's a small tv with a remote, there's an eating tray, and there's also pillows and blankets.

"i think this is the fanciest plane i've ever been on-", ricky whispers and i laugh at him.

"me too...look it literally has a full pillow!", i exclaim, pointing.

his eyes widen and he grabs it, looking at it before we both begin laughing.

two teenagers on a private jet for 10 hours.

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