Chapter 24- Public Change of Opinion?

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[Un-editted, sorry for any mistakes. It's incredibly short, it's supposed to have waaay more in it- but I decided to leave that for the next chapter! NO DEDICATION because this chapter is so shit! The next one will be better=]

Chapter 24

Lizzy's P.O.V

Two days have passed. It's now Thursday and already things have changed. Turns out the body of Mrs. Walker can't be released until Saturday; therefore the funeral date has been changed to Sunday. I can't imagine what Jenny is going through. I've tried my best to give her space and let her mourn. She's been with Charles most of the time. I'm so relieved that Charles is with her; right now, when I see how she looks at him, it's clear to me that he is her rock. He is what's keeping her going. All of us have missed school, sticking together for the last few days. I called Kaylen and Clause to inform them both of what happened, they too sounded devastated. Although they haven't known Jenny for long, their concern shows how much they care.

After explaining to Aunt Jessie and Uncle Andrew about Jenny's situation, they immediately sent Jenny their sympathies and asked if they could do anything to help. Of course, I explained to them how Charles has opened up his home for Jenny to stay with him temporarily and is doing everything he can to help her. Almost immediately after, Aunt Jessie booked an appointment with Cindy. We did the usual therapist stuff. The difference was we both had some kind of easy communication than usual. I felt like I could be open to her, especially after I told Jace and Jenny about my past. Cindy helped me deal with my unhappiness about Mrs Walker's murder. She told me and I quote, "Stop dwelling on impossible things like 'who is the killer?' Instead, you should be thinking of ways to cheer Jenny up!" Her words were like a wake-up call. All I was thinking about was revenge and finding answers. I wasn't thinking about how that would make Jenny feel. That's why I've decided to leave it as it is for now.

"Need a ride to school?" Jamie, my oldest cousin asks. Usually his humorous aura radiates off of him, but not for the last few days. I'm pretty sure I put the damper on his mood.

"No, I'm good. Jenny called this morning saying that we're walking to school."

"Who's we?"

"Me, Jenny, Charles and Jason. Why?" I ask.

"Just wondering" He replies. "I swear the Jace kid can drive?"

"First of all, he's not a kid. He's a year younger than you." I point out. "And secondly, because Jenny wanted us all to walk together."

"Okay okay!" He grins, holding up his hands in surrender, "I'm glad you've made friends. I honestly envisioned you as a crazy old lady with a gazillion cats for friends."

Just as I lift up my hand to punch him in the arm, the door bell rings, preventing me from doing so. I jump off the breakfast bar stool and open the door.

I am met with all three of my best friends.

"Come on! School time." Jenny says enthusiastically.

I share a look with Jace, noticing how overly-eager Jenny looks, it seems he caught on to it too. She is definitely trying to look happy and normal.

"Yeah. Let's go." I say, smiling softly at her.

We walk through the park, a comfortable silence blanketing over us. Soon enough the school is right before us. I haven't been in school for a while and already, something is strange. As we walk through the gates, I am surprised to find people whispering and looking at me. The whispering is usual, what shocked me was they weren't insults, they were... I don't know what to call them. A random girl walked up to us and said hi to me... What the fuck happened when I was away? Not even 5 seconds later a boy winks at me.

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