We pull into the parking lot and all hop out! Logan takes livs hand in his and Dawson puts his arm around my waist! We all walk into the movies! Dawson buys my ticket and logan buys liv's! They then wait in the snack line up and Logan gets a popcorn to share with Olivia and gets her a drink and skittles! Dawson bought the same and bought me M&M's and water! We went into the movies and got great seats! Dawson sat at the end and I sat beside him, liv sat beside Me and Logan beside her! The movie is so scary so I lift up the arm rest and cuddle into Dawson. I am so happy, today he was talking to a friend and he said ,
"Haha! Im going to a movie with my girlfriend later!"
I guess he really does like me! I really like him too, I love hanging out with him! Half way through the movie me and liv shriek really loud! The guys didn't even flinch, they laughed at us! Logan grabbed liv's hand and Dawson hugged me tight! I fell so safe with him! After the movie is over they take us for a surprise! Long has to sit in the back with us to cover our eyes! Olivia loves this of course because it's a tight squeeze but I on the other hand, can't wait to get out and go by Dawson! Then we start slowing down and stop! Then Dawson says we're here! Logan uncovers our eyes and I look out in amazement! I can't believe they brought us to...<~~~< hey! Sorry it's short but....Cliff hanger! Love you all! You all make me want to keep writing😘>~~~>

All Is Lost...
RomansaJenna was new at all the things at this new random school. She never thought that he could make her feel like she was meant to be there! But he did, and now jenna and this boy and his group are all together. But then something tragic happened! T...