4, The Party Burns

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July 7th, 7:01am. 1999

Elliot sprung out of bed with joy, he knew today was a special day.

It was his birthday today.

He quickly struggled to actually get dressed, before quickly walking towards his room door.

He thought about what he might get for his birthday.

Elliot walked into the living room.
To see..

No one?
"Mummy!" He called out, he was a little confused.
Usually when it's someone's birthday in this house, they all wait in the living room until the person wakes up.

The house was pretty dark, no curtains had been opened yet, no lights were on either.

"Tyler?" Elliot questioned.

He crossed his arms.
"This isn't funny! You all know it's my birthday today why are you hiding!" He cried.

Elliot then walked into the dining room.

He saw what seemed to be a candle glowing in the dark.
He walked over to it.

As he got closer, he was it was a cake.
He smiled.

"...I'm 6..not 1.." he whispered to himself.

Elliot wanted to eat some cake right away, but he knew he wasn't allowed to use knives.

He took the candle out of the cake.
Elliot blew it out, and placed it on the table.

He didn't think much of it.

Elliot then heard a noise, almost like scratching coming from the office room.
He walked towards it.
"Mummy...? What are you doing?." He asks the woman sitting in the chair.

She turned her head slowly to look at him.

"Mummy...It's my birthday today..why isn't everyone happy and celebrating?" Elliot questioned.

Then something happened, her eyes started........smoking.
Elliot was confused.

The woman's eyes then lit on fire, Elliot visibly see her eyeballs melting from the sockets.
He screamed, turning to run outside of the room.

He ran into his three siblings.
They did not have eyeballs either.

Elliot was lost for words.

"No one cares about you, we wouldn't been better off if you were never born." Allie spoke.
"We never needed another sibling, so why celebrate his date of birth?" Tyler questioned the child.
"Stop it! Stop it please!" Elliot cried, covering his eyes.

"Keep on hurting yourself with those little pieces of plastic you find." Bryce smiled as he said that.

Elliot looked behind them, a fire was growing bigger and bigger.

"You did this."
His three siblings said in unison.

"It's your fault"
Elliot's mother added, staring down at him from the office door way.

"It's..not my fault I just wanted to celebrate my birthday!" Elliot shouted at them, tears were forming from his eyes.

"You melted our eyes, now it's our turn to melt yours."
Allie muttered, grabbing his arm, dragging him towards the fire.


"stop..." Elliot whispered in his sleep.
His eyes fluttered opened, he was in bed still.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes.

They were sort of teary.

He felt nervous to get out of bed to find his family.

Though, after a few seconds he got out of bed, not bothered to get dressed out of his pyjamas.

Was that all just a nightmare?
He asked himself.

He walked down the stairs and into the living room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" His whole family shouted at him.

Elliot smiled, trying to forget about the horrible things he had just witnessed.

His siblings walked over to him.

"No let m-"
"Hey I bought it!"
"But I'm clearly his favourite"
"In what universe, state and time"
"Just give me the present!"
"No! You're both gonna break it"
they all fought over the present they had for their youngest brother.

Tyler snatched it.
"Here you go! From us" he says, handing it to Elliot, who took the present.
He opened the wrapping.

"Oo! Look!" He shouted in excitement, taking the puppet out of the wrapping.
"Do you know how to use it?" Bryce asked.
"I think so!" Elliot replied, putting his hand inside the puppet.
"I love it!" He added, with a grin from ear to ear.
His siblings all crouched down, hugging each other.

Elliot's smile slowly faded away.

All he could think about where the siblings from his nightmare, he did not want to see them ever again.

But...Thank god it was just at nightmare.



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