5, What He Saw.

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March 8th, ???. 8:09pm

Steven was blankly staring at the floor, a bottle of wine in his hand.

"I heard about what happened with Cindy." His boss spoke.
"I don't want to talk about it." Steven grumbled.

"Surely, there must've been a reason." His boss replied to his statement.
"There's a reason for everything." Steven muttered.

"Well, go on then. For all I know, I could be sitting in here with a murderer, I need an explanation from you." His boss told him.
Steven sighed, before taking a drink from the bottle in his hand.
"She's not dead." He spoke.

"That's not the answer I'm looking for, Steve" his boss muttered.
Steven scoffed.
"Then what do you want? I assured you she's not dead, so now you don't have to worry about sitting in here with a murderer." He snapped.

"Why'd you do it?" His boss asked.

"Terrence, you really don't need to know-"
"You are one of the best workers, I don't want to fire you because of a stupid reason, I know you wouldn't murder your wife for no reason." His boss cut him off.

Steven sighed then looked at the floor once again.

"....the boy, who was there..Elliot? Your youngest, I heard he kept his mouth shut about what happened, I'm pretty sure you traumatised the kid." Terrence spoke out of the blue.

"Cindy, she was going to hurt me first." Steven replied.

"That's the information I wanted." Terrence told him.
"What did she do?" He added.

"I saw.....but by Elliot's screams, it seems like I did something wrong.." Steven explained

"She ran at me, she had a knife, I KNOW what I saw...And no one can tell me otherwise." He added.

Terrence stopped to think.

"Possible hallucinations." He told Steven.
"You think I'm crazy?" Steven questioned.
"No, just because you're hallucinating doesn't mean you're crazy." Terrence smiled.
"So...seeing things in normal?" Steven questioned.
"Pretty much so." His boss replied.

Steven shook his head.
"Then..what if I'm hallucinating right now? And you're not even here and I'm talking to myself?" He questioned.
"Haha..I assure you I am real." Terrence laughed.

"Sometimes, when you're around a certain person so much, you imagine them doing things..things that aren't necessarily real." Terrence spoke.

Steven sat there for a moment, thinking about the information he had just been told.
"Are you sure.....and how do you know so much about this? As if you've done it before?" Steven questioned.
"Common sense." Terrence replied.

Steven stood up, placing the bottle on the table.
"I should get going, before I get too drunk and can't even stand up straight" he spoke.

"Alright, if you need anymore moral support, I'm only a call away." Terrence replied.

Steven nodded, before he grabbed his jacket and walked out the door.

He stopped.

"This can't get any worse, at least...worse in a way that's humanly possible." Steven muttered to himself, before walking towards his car.

End of Chapter 5

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