Rising Tides, Crashing Skies

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At the Beach House, Ezra walked into the living room where Steven waited for him along with the Gems.

"Okay, I'm here." Ezra announced. "What did you want us to see?"

"This." Steven replied. "Ronaldo finally posted his video online and we can watch it on the computer."

"This better be worth it, since he's been annoying recently." Ezra commented, before he sat on the couch. "More than the last times."

"Okay. Here we go." Steven stated before he pressed play.

The film opened with a Movie-Maker-esque title card reading "Studio Fryman Presents", followed by the logo of Ronaldo's blog "Keep Beach City Weird", as Ronaldo began to narrate.

"Beach City, a sleepy seaside town." Ronaldo said. "From far away, it looks ordinary, but take a closer look, and you'll start to notice the cracks in the facade."

The film pans across Beach City from the perspective of the beach, pointing towards the Lighthouse hill, and a screen tear effect rips the scene apart.


At the Lantern room in the Lighthouse, Ronaldo then appears on-screen, sitting in front of a banner reading KBCW.

"My name is..." Ronaldo introduced, until he spun his chair too much. "Uh..." He blushed and cleared his throat. "My name is Ronaldo." A slideshow of different conspiracies from his blog appears on-screen. "For years, I've run a blog called Keep Beach City Weird. My mission: keep Beach City weird, and also to expose the truth. Most people choose to ignore my mind-blowing revelations, but no one can deny it when the truth was pointing right in the town's collective face!"

A footage, with a subtitle reading Actual Footage, began to play an event during The Return, where the Gem Warship was about to land upon Beach City.

"It's an invasion! Look at that thing, it's right there!" Ronaldo exclaimed from the footage.

The footage paused and zoomed in on the warship.

"Beach City needed to be saved, but from what?" Ronaldo narrated, before a picture of the Crystal Gems was shown. "Duh, duh, duh!"

A documentary title card that read "Rising Tides/Crashing Skies" was then shown, followed by more sub-texts: "Danger On The Boardwalk", "The Truth About The Most Dangerous Boardwalk" and "A KBCW Investigative Documentary".

At Fish Stew Pizza, Ronaldo began to interview various Beach City citizens, starting with Nanefua "Local Business Owner".

"Ehh, I was just cleaning up some fish for a very big order when it happened. I heard this veeery peculiar rumbling, like boom boom boom boom boom boom! and then a sonic BOOM! and the fish I was preparing flew up into the air and fell on the ground!" Nanefua explained, as a lax-animated re-enactment of a fish tumbling around played. "I ran outside and saw this great big thing in the sky."

"The town was under attack!" Ronaldo said.

"What is this for again?" Nanefua asked.

"It's a web exclusive for my blo-." Ronaldo replied.

At Beach Citywalk Fries, Ronaldo interviewed Peedee 'Fry Shop Employee'.

"Oh! Uh, yes!" Peedee replied, as he sweat anxiously. "That day was crazy. The Mayor said-."

"Were you scared?" Ronaldo asked.

"What?! No! I wasn't. I was just concerned that something bad would happen to the shop..." Peedee replied.

"So, you cried a lot." Ronaldo said.

"I don't know what you're talking abo-." Peedee said.

An "Actual Footage" then cuts in, that showed Peedee clinging to the shop counter while Mr. Fryman tried to pull him away.

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