We Need to Talk

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At the It's A Wash car wash, Steven, Ezra, Connie, and Greg were sorting boxes of vinyl disk collection from Greg's van outside the car wash.

"Here's all the Orange Magic Orchestra ones." Steven announced as he took out three vinyl disks from a box.

"Great!" Greg smiled. "Put them in the transcendental space rock-pile."

"I can't believe you have all these records." Ezra commented.

"At home, we only have classical music and movie soundtracks." Connie explained as she took out a vinyl disk. "I've never heard any of these."

"You've never heard the Philosophy Majors?" Greg asked. "Oh man, give it here." Greg took the disk from Connie and put in on a player. "This'll really knock your socks off."

The music started playing. Steven started dancing to the tune while Greg started to air-guitar. Ezra tapped his feet to the beat with a smile. Steven laughed and offered his hand to Connie.

"Come on!" Steven said, as Connie grabbed his hand.

"Whoa!" Connie exclaimed as she was lifted up.

Steven and Connie danced and twirled around together. Steven's gem then started glowing and the two accidentally fused into Stevonnie. They stopped dancing and saw a shocked Greg and a stunned Ezra staring at them. Greg stopped the music and Stevonnie quickly separated back into Steven and Connie.

"You two can fuse?!" Greg asked.

"Uh... Yes?" Steven replied.

"Steven can fuse with humans as well." Ezra explained. "It happened a while ago."

"Uh, huh, that's incredible!" Greg said. "Since when? Wait, how is this even possible?"

"The Gems thinks it's because I'm half human-." Steven explained.

"Please don't tell my parents, Mr. Universe!" Connie begged. "They don't know I've been doing magic stuff with Steven! I can't tell them, they're not going to understand, I-!"

"Whoa, whoa, it's... it's okay." Greg assured. "I may be the only human being on the planet who's gonna understand."

"Wha- what do you mean?" Connie asked.

"Yeah, what do you mean?" Ezra added.

"Well..." Greg stated.

"Story!" Steven gasped. "Come on!"

Steven and Connie jumped into and sat inside the van. Steven patted a spot for Ezra, who rolled his eyes with a smile, and sat beside the half human half gem.

"We're ready." Steven said.

"I didn't think I'd be telling this so soon." Greg admitted. "Probably best to start with this."

Greg retrieved a VHS tape, inserted it in the VCR TV and played it, that lead to a full flashback to the 90's.



At the Crystal Temple, the camera showed a young Greg adjusting it. A backdrop of wooden planks and lit light bulbs was seen, along with the Warp Pad, used as the stage. Garnet, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz were seen standing on-stage, with a keytar, drums, and a microphone respectively.

"Everybody ready?" Greg asked, before he run in front of the stage with his guitar. "One, two, three, four."

Greg and the Crystal Gems began to play a song. Greg inched in on the stage to be closer to Rose.

Greg & Rose: 🎵 What can I do for you?
What can I do that no one else can do?
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?

Ezra in Beach City (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now