💌How you met💌

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Most scenarios will be gn! I will let you know if otherwise :]

Also I started this at 5 pm then put it on pause until 9 and omg I'm macackalinh it gets more unhinged as I go. Also my art B)

• You two met when you were summoned to the castle one day. During a tour of it, it didn't take long for you to wander off like a sailor addicted to a siren's voice.
• And it was Ludwig's music :]
• Well, you found the concert hall and sat down in one of the seats as you watched a blue-haired Koopa play the piano that dragged you there.
• Ludwig was quite surprised to hear you applaud, but he wasn't complaining. After all, it is rare to find someone to have an appreciation for classical music like him.
• You were embarrassed once you realized that you were probably not supposed to be there but the koopa said it was fine.
• He introduced himself as Ludwig Von Koopa, the eldest prince of the Darklands, but he assumed you knew that already.
• Which you didn'tttt
• So your gayasses both talked about music for a bit, your interests, basic get to know each other things. Ludwig was able stay interested in you enough (Because of your obliviousness about all kinds of shit that it's funny) that you two exchanged numbers and scheduled to meet up again :]

• Now this is over at his circus.
• You and your friends and/or family went to the one-man circus he put on since he wants make people smile :]
•And it was a great time! Obviously there's going to be employees there doing the food and everything (Which was delicious btw)

After the show you ran into Lemmy, who had a big smile on his face.
• Your friendship started from you complimenting him for his performance, then you both started seeing eachother more! Whether it'd be regularly going to his show or recognizing eachother in public.
• L e t t e r s. You both start sending each other letters and meeting up at the park after that :]

• School
• Jk he don't go to school. He thinks it's for losers.
• But you actually met eachother at one of the Kart tournaments Mario hosts! You participated this time, and it had a battle, vs., then Grand Prix.
• You both were on opposite sides, and he decided to target the newbie first. Big mistake.
• At the end though, he approached you and gave you a hand shake. He might be a bully sometimes, but he constantly tries to self improve and not be a sore loser.
• Anddd that's how you became his tutor for racing. In return he would often spend time with you or teach you how to fight.
• Congrats on giving the guy character development :]

• Y'all met when you were working at the castle. Fun.
• You were minding your business with whatever your duty is, whether it be gardening, repairing, cleaning, cooking, ect.
• Then a big ass chain chomper decided it is a good idea to literally run through a wall.
• Then one of the koopalings followed suit and managed to calm his dog down.
• He very sheepishly said sorry before taking his chain chomp back outside, then helped you clean up the bricks and sweep the dust. You guys joked about it and your dumbasses started rambling about different media, science, and mythology.
• Once you brought up your interest mythology and science?! Iggy was like "Gib. Me. Yo. Number."
• Your type is scientists, bonus points if mad. Immediately you both were two peas in a pod.
• Holy shit you both be either outly or lowkey unhinged. I'm here for it >:]
• You both can and will burn down multiple cities.

• It was actually at school this time.
• You wake up at 4 am on a Monday morning.
You shouldn't be waking up at 4 am on a Monday morning.
• And then you remember you haven't seen your animal crossing villagers in months on end, but alas. You have to go to school. But you woke up at 4 am so you go asleep for 2 more hours.
• You could've played animal crossing in those two hours.
• But soon you go to school. First period? ENGLISH.
• And guess what the teacher does? Project due by Friday. Bitch.
• You get paired up with the loud quiet kid: Morton. You are nervous about having to get along with someone new but whatever.
• You both do the dorito chip's work. After some talking and getting to know each other shiz you became good friends immediately. And got a 100% when nearly everyone else failed.

• She metaphorically (right word? :[) picked you up off the streets.
• It was school right. First day, new school, people bitchey as fuck. And yo were the new kid, either to be harassed by popular fakes or BULLIED TO THE FUCKING GROUND.
• Until Wendy rescued you. You were a little scared but she acts a lot like Mei from Monkie Kid a lot actually. Rich girl, high status, happy go lucky, and ready to beat up some ass.
• Despite her high status and everything, she was not well liked, people thought she was a spoiled brat, too girly, or simply talked behind her back because she buzz cutt her hair (WHICH LOOKS AWESOME BTW ON HER she did little patterns and stars bro,,,)
• Insta-besties after that. You did not judge her at all for her looks or stereotypes pinned on her.
• And she helped you through school! Little loop holes through rules, which bathrooms to stay away from, which teachers to get on their good sides, and how to stand up for yourself in this preppy hell hole.
• She also made sure to add you to the group chat she made for safety like who not to trust, what parties to avoid, so on so forth.
• She is 100/10 bestie that would hold your cup we stan her in this house.

• You two met at the Tennis court!
• You were just going to play Tennis with your friend and maybe get books from the library next door.
• N o
• You got abanoned :[[
• Anyways it first it started off as you and Larry playing with friendly banter, to holy shit competiveness? If you aren't competitive we'll then he kinda brought that out.
• It soon was dusk and you both were exhausted and sweaty, but laughing together and complaining about hydration. You both really enjoyed your time together and decided to meet up same time next week :]
• Chaos duo beloved.

You could see me running out of ideas in this one akshwjlaklq I probably need to  sleep I got band class tomorrowww

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