Tonight, we were about to have our annual McGee Family Movie Night. Mom put Grandma Nin on video chat so she could join us from the comfort of her home. "You know what I love most about McGee Family Movie Night?" Dad asked. "Recreating the theater experience." I dialed Dad's phone number just so me and Molly could mess with him. "Uh, sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to turn that off." Molly said, pretending to be a movie theater employee. "See? Movie magic." Dad continued. "And just like the movies, I snuck in my own snacks!" Grandma Nin said. "Good news. Scratch and I found the scariest movie ever!" Darryl explained. "It has a ghost!" Scratch shouted, jumpscaring Mom and Dad. "And there's nothing scarier than ghosts!" "Especially when they chew with their mouths open." Mom muttered. "It better be scary." I said. "If not, then I'm going to bed." "I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks..." Molly whispered. "I can't wait! Hit play!" Darryl pressed the play button on the remote to start the movie.
Five minutes into the movie, I fell asleep on the floor, but I woke up to watch the end of it. And I cringed at what I saw. "That wasn't even scary!" Darryl complained. "Too many talking heads, not enough severed heads!" "I'm glad I fell asleep." I stated. "Doesn't sound like I missed anything." "Yeah, and those ghost stereotypes? Answer me this, Molly, do I talk like this all the time?" Scratch asked, quickly mimicking the stereotypical ghost from the movie. "Get out of the house!" "Sometimes you do." Molly replied. "You hate our guts." I added. "Eh, it's just for effect, but..." Scratch explains. "We could probably make a better movie ourselves." Darryl interrupted. "That is a great idea!" Molly gasped. "Let's make a horror movie! I mean, we've got a real ghost!" "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think that'll actually be fun." I said. "I've always wanted to make a movie. First comes the movie, and then comes the fanfics with some mysterious lore." "I'll do it, too." Scratch agreed. "And it'll be the performance of an after-lifetime!" "I will direct, obviously. Libby can write the script. Amber can edit the finished product. And Darryl, you can film it on your phone." Molly explains. "I didn't get the phone with six cameras for no reason." Darryl pointed out. "Let's make some movie magic!" Molly shouted.
The next day, Molly, Darryl, Scratch, Libby, and I gathered some supplies for the movie at Brighton Field, where I play softball with the Lemmings. "Are we sure Libby's not a ghost?" Scratch asked, skimming through Libby's script. "Because her script is spooky accurate." "Uh huh, put this on." Molly replied, putting a cloth on top of him to hide his identity. "Ugh, so degrading." Scratch groaned. "Great work, Libby!" Molly exclaimed, startling Libby. "Your script's great, the set's even better. Now, try on your costume." "But, that's for Angela." Libby said. "Yes, and who better to bring Angela to life than you, the writer who created her, right?" Molly asked. "Also, Amber doesn't want to do it." "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." I confessed. "Oh, no, no, no, Molly..." Libby panicked. "The very thought of people watching me... on screen... in HD... makes me..." Libby started gagging at the thought of Molly's idea. "Ah, you'll be fine." Molly encouraged her. "Amber, where do you want the blood?" Darryl asked. "Molly isn't sure about the blood, little bro." I replied. "I'd hold onto it just in case." Scratch came over to us. "Boo." Scratch sighed. "Who's playing the ghost?" Libby asked. "Oh! Him?" I stuttered. "That's our Canadian cousin, Carl." Molly lied. "Yeah, I'm the ghost, eh." Scratch said. "He's visiting." Darryl added. "Okay, gather around, crew. Gather around." Molly commanded. "We are here for one reason and one reason only... to make the scariest ghost movie ever! Sure, we're just kids with a camera phone and cardboard props, but we've got something Hollywood doesn't! We've got... to be home for dinner! So, let's get shooting!"
After a terrible afternoon of filming, we packed up our things since there was a softball game happening. We were all exhausted. "Making movies is hard." Molly sighed. "I barely got to use my fake blood." Darryl said, just as a door slammed into my face. It was none other than Andrea Davenport. It sounded like she was live streaming. "Listen up, Fandreas." She said. "Warm winds are blowing this spring, that's why I stay cool with... Whoa! Someone call the police! There's a fashion crime in progress." "We're making a ghost movie, Andrea." I groaned. "Shut up! I love horror movies!" Andrea exclaimed. "Totally unrelated, did you know that I'm a professional actress? See?" Andrea handed Molly a tablet with a video on the screen. "Um, uh, we all know where this is going." Scratch said as the video began playing a commercial for Andrea's family's store. That wasn't acting. That was showing off! "She wants to star in our movie." "I just had a crazy thought!" Andrea exclaimed. "Andrea Davenport in our movie?" I wondered. "Molly McGee! You read my mind!" Andrea gasped. "My name is Amber." I corrected. "Yeah, whatever. Meet at the store warehouse tomorrow morning." Andrea said. "It's where we shoot our commercials, so we've got all the sets and equipment we need." "What?" Molly asked. "We're gonna make the best movie ever!" Andrea exclaimed. "'Kay, love you, byeeee!" "I told you." Scratch taunted, imitating Andrea.
The Ghost and the McGee Twins
FanficMolly McGee is an optimistic teenager who is determined to make the world a better place. Everything her identical twin sister, Amber is not. But what happens when their new house is inhabited by a grumpy ghost? (OC Insert)