17 - Without or Without

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"Remember that favor?"

Kel blinked at Flowey, realization dawning in her eyes.

'You probably won't like it, and neither do I, but we do have one option left to us...'

Of course. Sans's "favor". The offer he'd made to them at the very beginning. That was what the plant had been talking about.

"you want me to help you now?" the skeleton asked, looking slightly amused.

Flowey nodded, shamefaced. "To get to the point, yes."

Sans stepped lightly away from the door, studying both of them with unreadable eyes.

"i suppose i could," he said slowly. "if that's also what you want," he added, looking directly at Kel.

Kel... didn't know.

Did she want him to "help" them?

Obviously, Sans had already helped them. A great deal, in fact. He had saved Kel first from the cold, then from Puzzle Territory, then a third time from Undyne. Healed her leg. Brought her here. If trust was the issue here, he'd proven himself to genuinely want, for whatever reason, Kel to survive the Underground. He was willing to risk himself to make that happen, something he'd demonstrated several times.

And he was also extremely friendly. Kel actually liked having him around, whether he was cracking dumb ice jokes or reminiscing about his family. His company on such a dangerous mission couldn't mean anything but good, especially when they had no other chance of survival.

But then... why did it feel so wrong to her?

She really wished she could've talked this over with Flowey beforehand.

"I guess," she said, doubtful, then quickly changed it to "Yes. I mean. If the offer still stands." She cringed slightly, embarrassed.

Sans didn't look very convinced. "if you're sure. i don't want to butt in on some superhuman flower-power rescue mission or anything."

"In case you have not noticed, this superhuman flower-power rescue mission would be in the freezing chambers right now if it weren't for you," Flowey said dryly. "I think you've butted in far too many times already for it to be an issue now."

Definitely had a point there.

"never hurts to ask," Sans said lightly, still looking intently at Kel. "you were pretty against it a while ago."

Kel winced, remembering a lot of vehement name-calling on Flowey's part.

"You're not butting in on anything," she told him firmly. "If it weren't for you, we... we would be long gone," she acknowledged, recalling flames shooting out of black pipes. "And actually, that reminds me - um. Thank you. For rescuing us from Undyne, and everything." She looked awkwardly down at her sandwich.

"of course," said Sans dismissively. "but you're... you're really sure? you want my help."

He sounded so hesitant, like he could sense Kel's doubts. That just made her feel worse. She didn't want to not trust him, but she couldn't help her feelings.

And it was kind of strange that while they were the ones asking him to help them, he was the one worrying about his presence damaging something in the group. Like they were doing a favor for him, instead of the other way around. She guessed that was how he had phrased it; but, how on earth were they doing him a favor by letting him risk everything in his life to accompany them on a death mission?? It just... it didn't make any sense.

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