Part 1

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"Are ya alright?" Kneeling down in front of the scared woman who was butted up against the edge of the trash can in the back of this narrow alley.

"," was the only response as the woman's wide eyes looked him up and down. Feeling a bit more self conscious about who he was hit him like a truck with the way her eyes shined. The glossy orbs analyzed his massive form, he watched as her eyes lingered at his feet, to his waist, to his bulging biceps then landing to eye him. Shifting his weight he started to ease back into the shadows but before he took a step her arm shot out. Her sudden movement stopped them both, their eyes locked as fingertips brushed, her eyes blown wider and her face became more flushed. His heart started to beat faster.

"T-thank you, thank you!" Tears started to well up in her eyes as she made to stand but dropped back to her knees. Raphael couldn't just stand there and watch her struggle but he was hesitant to help, in case her reaction to his touching her was unwanted. Nevertheless, she was favoring her left wrist and he felt for the woman. He had just saved her from being mugged by three Purple Dragon goons and recently muggings were becoming more frequent in this area.

"C'mere," bending forward, stepping into her view and bent to her level. He made sure to get her nod of approval before gripping her slender shoulder and helping her to her feet. The petite woman checked her watch and blanched upon seeing the current time.

"Oh no...," just as the words left her mouth, a silent cry followed as she saw her phone smashed at her feet.

Raph knew that he was already staying longer than normal but the smaller woman seemed to be in a panic, and she was injured with no phone and it was already well past one in the morning.

"Do ya need ta call someone?" Holding her wrist to her chest, she nodded.

"Uh, yes um... do you—," she trailed off, unsure if what she was asking could possibly be offensive. She watched as the reptile man in front of her handed her his own phone, she was slightly surprised that it seemed to be a modified iPhone. Add it to the list of questions that she already had. Flexing the fingers in her wrist, knowing that (hopefully) it was just a sprain she dialed the number and waited for the other line to pick up. As the phone rang, leaning against the dumpster she watched the reptile to her left. She had so many questions but none of them mattered when he had done nothing but save her ass in more ways than one.

"Yes! Mrs. Cheryl, I am so sorry, there was an incident and I am running a bit late — yes, I know it's already two hours over and..." As her conversation droned on, her eyes darting from her hero to the graffiti bricks in front of her then to the rambunctious street about one-hundred yards away, she could feel his eyes on her.

He had some questions of his own but they didn't matter considering he would probably never see this woman again so what's the point? He was going to get his phone back then disappear, hopefully to bash in a few more heads before heading back home. To fill the emptiness he simply watched the small woman in front of him. He sufficed that she was probably a nurse, with the scrubs and id badge that was tucked in her pocket. She seemed to be pleading with the person on the other line and wondered what was so important that she kept apologizing for. It's not every day someone gets mugged so what the hell?

"Mrs. Cheryl, please...yes, I understand that this is the second time but I had a..." He listened, he knew he should've given her privacy but he was getting pissed off at the person she was talking to. They weren't listening to a word she was trying to say, obviously cutting her off and his blood was starting to boil. At the sound of yet another plea, he lost it.

"Yes, I—," she didn't get a chance to finish before the phone was grabbed by the large creature, his deep, gruff voice all but yelled into the receiver. She was shocked yet she couldn't help the quiet laugh that left her system. Obviously her conversation was driving him as nuts as it was herself.

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