Part 10 - Epilogue

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A/N: This is the last chapter of Teddy. I have enjoyed writing this (and it's my first ever multi-chapter fic that I've ever finished! *small win considering I've only been writing since this past february). Thank you to anyone who's stayed and been following along. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have writing it. Any feedback is welcome. Enjoy! -- Also, if anything doesn't make sense, it may be because it's supposed to be an inner monologue that I usually italicize but for some reason when it's uploaded to Wattpad it changes the formatting. 


Four years have passed. Man, does time fly when you're having fun. Y/n and Raphael have been going steady and knocking down anything that tried to come between them. There had been a rough patch about two years ago when Karai thought it was wise to kidnap little Jamie from school under a false name. Jamie, the lil' booger, gave her a run for her money and once Raphael and his brothers found out, they made sure that it was the last thing that Karai ever did. Gruesome right?

Anyway...Mikey reminisced as he watched his burly older brother sink a handful of marshmallows into Jamie's hot chocolate cup behind Y/n's back. It was an endearing sight and made him think back to the first time he saw them together in Y/n's kitchen all those years ago.

"Psst, dude!" Raphael perked up and saw his youngest brother waving for him to come over in a glitch-like way as if attempting to go unnoticed.

"What's uncle Mikey doin'?" Jamie slurped up marshmallows that floated at the top of his steaming cup of hot cocoa.

"D'know squirt, betta' go find out, eh?" Raphael winked before ruffling the young boy's hair and made his way over to his exuberant brother.

"Wha—," he didn't get a chance to finish before Mikey started to squeal in excitement, his baby blues burning bright and shimmering with unshed tears.

"Dude! When are you gonna ask!" Mikey couldn't quite hold in his excitement, it's been a long time coming and he was so very excited to have another sister. April was cool and he was so happy for both her and Donnie, especially since they were expecting their own little bundle of joy in less than three more months.


"Shud'up bonehead," Raphael growls as he smacked his baby bro up the side of his thick skull, contemplating whether or not he'd get away with murder. Eh, probably not.

"That's not nice, Raphie!" Jamie yelled as he jumped from the barstool and grabbed his hot cocoa from the counter.

"Ey, get back up there bud, remember what momma said?" Ol' Raphie turned back towards JJ and watched the young kiddo pout before a string of giggles echoed through the lair as Raph chased the nine year old around the den. Mikey wasn't one to get frustrated but he couldn't figure out what was taking Raph so long. Why's he dragging his feet?

A few hours later, Mikey was at his limit. Why hadn't Raph asked yet? Dinner was done, and everyone was just sitting here, doing nothing!

"Mike...Mikey?" Huh?

"I said... I made your favorite pumpkin spice cheesecake cookies," a look of confusion broke across Y/n's face, it wasn't like Mikey to not perk up and go berserk at the mention of his favorite cookies.

"Wha—Thanks angel!" Mikey's strange behavior didn't go unnoticed and Y/n watched as he pushed away from the table and went into the kitchen. Then, Raphael stood, collecting plates and placing a kiss to the top of her head while ruffling JJ's hair before disappearing after his brother.

"Do you know what's gotten into him?" She leaned over and asked JJ, who was trying to look inconspicuous about sneaking food to Klunk, Mikey's cat.

"Eh? I don't know, it's just uncle Mikey," lil' Jamie shrugged then hopped down from the tall stool and followed both Raph and Mikey.

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