The Large Attack Part One

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"A what now?" Rainbow Steve tilted his head as he looked at my eyes. I wasn't quite sure how I thought he would know what I was, but I guess that doesn't matter. I'll have to explain it to him.

"It's a different species in a way. There are Steves, Players, then well what I am. A Code Jumper, but some people like to shorten our name to Cjs." I started to explain.

"So your eyes always look so broken and glitchy?" He asked me as he pointed at my eye. I looked at him and realized this is the first time I have gotten real eye contact with anyone. Especially my best friend.

"No, it's not normally supposed to be like this. That's the reason why I have been acting so weird. It's because my eyes are supposed to look whole. You can see some of the ones and zeros in my eyes right?" I asked him.

"I can see it. So all the numbers on your eyes are supposed to be whole?"

"Yeah... these numbers are a bit like my soul."

"Your soul? Is it like that phrase you taught me? Eyes are the window to the soul?"

"Exactly, I'm surprised you remember that... but yes, my eyes look exactly like my soul and the numbers also show how I am doing. The brighter the glow of the numbers, the more energy I have." I explained to him. He just seemed interested to learn more about me so I told him more.

"Each number represents something, my ability to move, my appearance, and most importantly my memories. Without my code I wouldn't even be me, I would kind of look like Void Steve without his cloak on. Just empty..."

"So without your code, you don't remember things?"

"Exactly, and it also hurts me physically... The problem isn't along the lines it's breaking more. It hasn't broken more for a while now." I paused not willing to tell him about my powers really or how using my powers now can affect the breaking of my code right now. It might be too soon or even too much for anyone to hear right now.

"So, you need to fix it and don't know how?" Rainbow thought about how I was explaining things. He got it right.

"Exactly... I've never had anything like this happen to me before and I don't know how to fix it. I also haven't had much time to try and fix it because of everything that's going on-" Rainbow suddenly hugs me tightly. It took me a while to hug him back. He didn't let go of me.

"Thank you for telling me, Sabre..." He told me. I sighed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you for so long. You're the first person to know about this here." There was a pause in silence as we continued to hug each other.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked more concerned than curious now.

"Because there are less of us than there are steves. I have only met one or maybe two people like me." I explained. The first is my father who I think may be of the same species as me while another I meet I knew for sure he was a Cj. He was the first one to explain to me what a Cj was before... "It's been so long since I have even met anyone like me... and Players who know about us want us for their own needs."

"Own needs?" Rainbow stops hugging me but rests both of his hands on my shoulders. I let go of him and let my hands fall onto my lap.

"We have a lot of energy Rainbow. More energy inside of us than Alex has, or Galaxy Steve. We can give our energy to those willingly, but it can also be taken from us unwillingly."

"Is that why you can merge with Steve, but Lucas can't?"

"Exactly, every time I have merged with a steve I have to hide my energy levels. Thankfully my blindfold does that for me. That's also why I am always in control when I merge because my energy levels are always so much higher. I can use my energy to apply your abilities, without it getting mixed up with your own."

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