Ch1: The Vanishing Of Will Byers

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...Maybe it's the way you say my name
Maybe it's the way you play your game...

"Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in the darkness. It is almost here."

"What is it?"

"What if it's the Demogorgon? Oh, Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon."

"It's not the Demogorgon."

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!"


"Told ya!"

All the kids chuckled, the room erupting in laughter. Y/n, Dustin, Lucas, Mike & Will sat around the table playing Dungeons and Dragons.

"Wait a minute, did you hear that? That... that sound?" Mike started, talking in a low voice.

"Boom... boom... boom! That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that... That came from something else... " he continued.

"The Demogorgon!" Mike exclaimed slamming the figure onto the board aggressively. All of them groaned upon hearing that.

"We're in deep shit" Dustin mumbled, "Will, your action!" Mike exclaimed.

"I don't know!" "Fireball him!" Lucas yelled.

"I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" Will cried out.

"Too risky. Cast a protection spell!" Dustin voiced.

"He's right, it's too risky" Y/n added, nodding in agreement with the curly-haired boy.

"Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!"

"Cast Protection."

Mike slams both of his hands on the table, startling the others. "The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you! BOOM!"

The boys continued to argue back and forth untilll.

"Fireball! Oh, shit!" Will yelled, throwing the dice and sending it to the floor.

"Where'd it go? Where is it?" Lucas asked the boy.

"I don't know!"

"Is it a 13?" Dustin questioned

"I don't know!" Will yelled, freaking out.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

"Sheesh dusty, calm down" y/n laughed, patting his back.

The boys continued to go ballistic trying to find the dice, with Dustin muttering 'Oh my God on a loop, to Lucas asking poor Will thousands of questions to which he only got an annoyed 'I don't know!' in response. Mike's mom interrupted the session as it was time for the kids to go home. Fifteen After.

"Yo, hey, guys. Does anyone want this? Dustin asked holding up a box of pizza with only 1 slice in it. Upon hearing a chorus of No's, he walked upstairs to Nancy's room.

"Hey, Nancy. There's a slice left if you want it. Sausage and pepperoni!" He said with a smile on his face.

"Hold on." Dustin's smile got wider, which was wiped away as quickly as it appeared due to Nancy slamming the door in his cute little face.

"There's something wrong with your sister." Dustin huffed as he walked out, eating the leftover pizza slice.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked

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