The Cards Will Tell (Valdemar x reader)

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Okay so listen I know realistically we technically would not be able to tell Val's fortune very well(bc of what happens when you try to tell Vulgoras and I assume theirs would be similar) BUT! VesuvianDoctorLu (aka shadowCatLuka) has given me another idea and dammit I'm here to have a good time not a canon compliant one!
Basically you give Valdemar a tarot reading. So you're MC. Probably.
Also this is all disgustingly sweet and fluffy. Enjoy!

"Gosh, it's dreary, isn't it?" You peeked through the curtains of the salon, watching raindrops chase each other down the windowpanes. Behind you, Valdemar made a noise of agreement. Without even looking, you knew they were perched on the sofa, reading a book.

You turned around, the book of Vesuvian myths you'd brought with you long forgotten. "I'm bored, Val." You announced, flopping unceremoniously onto the couch beside them. The side of your head knocked against their arm, causing them to lose their grip on the book.

"Does reading not amuse you, pet?" Your partner absently reached out to touch your hair, still absorbed in their book.

"No." You sat up to lean against their side, peeking at the page they were on. "There isn't anything you wanna do besides read?"

"Not particularly." Was the frustrating answer. You grumbled, bumping your head against their shoulder. You wanted to do something. The weather made you both very sleepy and very alert at the same time.

"Cmon, Val!" You urged, squeezing their forearm.

"Do not behave like a petulant child, darling." Valdemar's fingers brushed the nape of your neck, then your collarbone, making you shiver with the sudden cold.

You huffed in defeat, getting up to retrieve your book. They were stubborn, and you knew it wouldn't get you anywhere to bug them about it more.

The moment you settled next to them, they spoke.

"Do you have your deck with you?"

You looked at them curiously. "The tarot deck? Yeah."

They looked up from their book, a faint smirk crossing their face. "Perhaps giving me a reading would entertain you."

This was interesting. Valdemar wasn't usually that interested in magic, though they didn't mind listening to you ramble about it. They'd never asked you for a reading before, and you'd never thought to offer one.

"Alright." you pulled the deck out of your pocket and felt the comforting weight in your hands, trying to clear your mind. After shuffling the deck, you spread out three cards in the space between you and Valdemar on the sofa, settling into a kneeling position.

"Go on. Pick one."

Valdemar selected the middle card after a moment of hesitation. You flipped it over, revealing the Lovers.
Their silent message made you smile.

"Well? What is my fortune, then?" You could hear amusement in Valdemar's voice.

"Connection will be important in the near future, and remembering how to achieve it is key." You looked at them, tilting your head to one side. "Those who care for you won't turn away from you, despite what you may think."

A rare expression of surprise crossed their face. After a pause, they spoke again.

"And is that...connection, as you put it...could it be impossible to achieve?"

You focused on the cards again. The answer came again, bold and clear.

"No. If it's sought, it's never impossible. It could possibly be hard to figure out, but you will be able to if you try."

Valdemar seemed to be thinking that over. The Lovers were silent, their message apparently delivered, so you scooped the cards up and put them back into your pocket. You had several questions, but decided not to ask them.

"So...what'd you think?" You asked instead, resting your head on their shoulder.

"Very...enlightening." Their expression was distant. "I will surely ponder it."

You shrugged. "It always means something. Can I ask a question about it?"

"You may."

"Are you afraid I'll turn away from you?" You asked. They folded their hands in their lap, not meeting your gaze.

"The thought does plague me now and then." Valdemar answered after a moment, tapping their fingers together.

You rested your hands on theirs. "I'm not going anywhere, Val. Not anytime soon."

"You will. You are mortal, and you will die." The sentence sounded forced and somewhat sad.

"Well, yeah, but not anytime soon. You're stuck with me for a while." you playfully nudged your hip against theirs.

Valdemar gave a short laugh, closing their fingers over youts. "That I am." They finally looked at you, mixed emotions flickering over their expression.

"But what a promise you make, to not turn away intentionally." Their tone was curious. "Such a promise that even the cards acknowledge it."

You grinned, squeezing their hands. "And I'll stick by it. The cards would've said if I wouldn't."

A faint smile crossed Valdemar's face. "I have no doubt. I suppose I trust the Arcana to an extent, but I must admit I trust you infinitely more."

You laughed, touching your forehead to theirs and closing my eyes. You could feel them stiffen for a moment, but quickly relax, their fingers lifting from your hands to brush your jaw.

"That's sweet." You could feel their lashes brush your cheek, and heat instantly rose to your face. "Maybe the connection part of the wont be as hard as you think."

"Perhaps not with you." Valdemar's voice was a quiet murmur now.

Silence fell between you, the only noise being the rain outside. You were both content simply in the closeness, and words weren't necessary for the moment.

The sound of the rainfall was making you sleepy. You leaned your weight more heavily against them, adjusting your position so you were more comfortable. You put your head back onto their shoulder, keeping your hands in theirs, and sighed, already beginning to drift off.

"Thank you for the reading, pet." Valdemar's voice faintly registered in your head.

"You're welcome," You yawned, pressing further into their side. "Remember...not going anywhere."

They chuckled softly, one arm sliding over your shoulders.

"Neither am I."

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