3.10 Oblivion

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"Where's Klaus" Viktor asked once Reginald closed the wall.

"Children, I'm sorry, but your brother... I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim." Reginald Answered.

"What about Y/n?" Lila asked.

"Why don't you asked her" Five glared at Allison, his tears now dry.

"I did it to make us safe." Allison sneered at Five.

"You used your powers to make her stay! We all know that she can't kill any of us!" Five, for the first time, shouted.

"Then who did, huh? She killed Luther" Allison said but was smacked in the face by Viktor.

"We need to go back." Sloane said.

"There's nothing to go back to. Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving." Reginald responded, walking out.

"Wait. Luther, Y/n, and Klaus?"



When we say reality, what do we really mean? In the 1800s, the best minds of the age theorized we live in a clockwork cosmos. In the Quantum Age, time and space are suspected to be a holograph. Ancient people believed we rode on the back of four flying turtles or on the horns of a white buffalo. These ideas beg the question, will we ever know the shape of reality? Or, odder still, does it have a shape other than the one we give it?

The guy said in the television as me, Luther, and Klaus sat in the middle of nowhere, eating some pizza.

"Wow" Luther exclaimed, watching. "Makes you feel tiny, huh?"

"Why would you put pineapple on a pizza?" Klaus complained about having pineapple in his pizza.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked him. "It's still edible."

"I mean, it's a garnish for cocktails, at best." Klaus responded as I argued with him, ignoring Luther.

"It's Hawaiian Pizza!"
"why is it on my pizza?"
"Just give the pineapples to me then, dickhead."

"Hey, are you two listening?" Luther asked us.

"No." I said, straight-forward.

"Yeah, sure. We're insignificant in all things, blah, blah, blah. Sorry I'm not a stoned undergrad sitting in freshman philosophy." Klaus said boredly.

"Wait a second. Where exactly are we?" Luther asked, looking around.

"We're dead, man" Klaus answered.

"Dead" I repeated. Luther just stared at us.

"Welcome to my hood. " Klaus added, a bicycle passing behind us carrying a girl with yellow flowers.

"I... I'm dead?" Luther stuttered in disbelief.

"Yeah, and I'm so glad to be here for your first time 'cause it's kind of a weird feeling. It's like waking up from a really vivid dream. But don't worry. Because it's all gonna make sense really soon." Klaus reassured him.

"Oh my God. Dad killed me." Luther realized then looked at me. "What are you doing here?"

"Your dickhead of a Father framed me on killing you because I'm a witness" I answered. "Then, Allison motherfucking Hargreeves used her powers to make me stay." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my God! He killed me too! " Klaus exclaimed. "A lot."

"He's an alien." Luther said hyperventilating.

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