Chapter 3: It's going to be a long night.

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Aster's POV:

Earlier this evening, I asked Dani to sleep in my bed again. She didn't refuse me which is a good sign. I need to know who I am after that outburst I had with Lana; I need to figure out if I feel something for Dani. She told me I smell like Vanilla in which I responded "You smell like cinnamon." Remembering those words escape my lips made the butterflies in my stomach erupt in these uncontrolled flutters. I've never felt like this with anyone before. This is all new to me.

"2:03am." I groaned to myself. I haven't been able to sleep since Dani laid in bed with me. I just pretended I was asleep after snuggling my face on her neck. She really smells good; I couldn't get enough of her scent. Her soft snores are adorable it makes me want to kiss her.

I felt Dani move. Is she awake? I thought to myself. Her back is now facing my front. She scooted her body closer to mine. Her soft hair covering her face. My crotch pressed against her bottoms. I somehow felt the need to caress her soft skin. Trying to battle my urges but I somehow lost to myself. I gently run my fingertips on her arm going up to her ear and slowly tucking a piece of her hair that was resting peacefully on her face.

"Hmmmm." Dani moaned in her sleep. It was adorable and I'm going crazy. My heart feels like it's about to burst anytime. She scooted even closer this time, as if our bodies are about to merge- if that's even possible. She tossed her self, this time her front facing me. Her face glowing under the moonlight. I can clearly see how perfect her skin is and how inviting her lips are. Without second thinking, I closed my eyes and moved my face closer to her. My lips tingling, letting me know how close I am to kissing her.

I'm almost there. I can smell her minty breath escaping her supple lips. I want to know what kissing a girl feels like. What kissing Dani would feel like.

"...hmmmm". Dani moaned again, her eyes slowly opening. I stopped moving my face immediately in sudden fear of how Dani would react. I closed my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep again. That was close.

Dani's POV:

Do you ever have that feeling when you're sleeping next to someone and you just know how close your bodies are because of this tingly feeling spreading across your body? That's what I'm feeling now. I must have turned myself while asleep because my back is now facing Aster's front. My bottoms are now against her crotch. I woke up from my sleep when I felt Aster's breath on my nape. She was breathing heavily. Her body tensed. It was as if she wanted to touch me. I hesitated whether I should turn around and face her. My heart is racing so fast.

Suddenly, warm soft fingers are slowly trailing up my arm. I felt her tuck a piece of my hair on my ear. Butterflies are fluttering inside of me. The urge of wanting to kiss Aster is stronger than ever and without any second thoughts, I slowly turned my body to face her, my eyes still close pretending to be asleep. I can feel the air escaping her lips getting close to my face. Any second now and our lips would be touching. Why does Aster want to kiss me? Maybe I'm just assuming? Maybe I'm delusional because I like her. I slowly opened my eyes in an attempt to see if she really wanted to kiss me. My vision started to become clearer. Aster was asleep. I knew it. I was just being delusional. I thought to myself. I took a few seconds to examine her. The moonlight illuminating her face. She looks like an angel. The longer I look at her, the more I want to just close the gap between our lips. I sighed a deep breath. Should I? Should I not? These words kept repeating in my head until.....

Fuck it. Just a peck then. And with that, I closed the gap and kissed Aster ever so lightly. Her lips are so soft. My body felt like melting right then and there. Not long after, I decided to pull away. Just a peck.

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