Chapter 2: I think you're gay.

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Aster's POV:

I woke up before my alarm sounded. My arm felt heavy like something was on top of it. Trying to get my brain cell working, I grab my phone with my other arm and the light reflecting on the screen gave me the boost I needed to wake up fully. I Illuminated the light from my phone to see what was laying on my arm and that's when it hit me. Dani! Dani is sleeping on my arm. I remember pulling her to my bed last night but I don't know what came over me. Why I did what I did. How am I supposed to act around her now?

I slowly moved my arm under Dani's head and got up from my bed slowly leaving her still asleep. I went straight to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. The time now is 7:30. My alarm usually goes off at eight in the morning, which gives me at least an hour to get ready but since I'm 30 minutes early, I decided to give my dad a call just to check up on him.

"Come on, come on. Answer." I muttered under my breath.

"Hello, sunshine. You're calling too early. Are you okay?" My dad answered the phone. Am I okay? Do I tell him what just happened? I don't even think I'm gay or bi? But with Dani and Lana yesterday, everything they do just upsets me. Maybe I don't like to share roommates. Maybe I don't like Dani being friends with anyone but me. Maybe I like Dani? These thoughts are killing me.

"Hello? Aster are you there?" Dad asked again.

"Yea dad, I'm okay. I just wanted to check on you. Had a bad dream, that's all." I lied, of course.

"Oh honey, I'm fine. Thank you for checking up on me. Now that I'm up, might as well get ready. I'll be out of town for a while."

"Oh okay. What are you up to?"

"Business as usual. I'm taking Miranda with me. We're going on a quick trip to Utah after I take care of something."

"Sounds good. It's great to see you starting to go out more. You should do that often." Dad is a businessman. He never had time for himself ever since mom passed away. He dedicates himself to work mostly but since he met Miranda, he's been going out more and he deserves it.

"Thanks, sunshine. Let me know if you need anything. I'm a call away, or message me if I don't answer." We both chuckled.

"Alright, dad. You and Miranda have fun, okay? Love you." I hung up the phone after saying our goodbyes.

I took a quick shower after calling my dad. I wanted to get ready early so I'll have time to put on some make-up. I grabbed the knob of the bathroom door, hesitating to open it and anticipating the awkwardness waiting on the other side. I mustered all the courage I can get before opening the bathroom door and quickly walk my way to my closet with my head hung low, not really wanting to see Dani right now when I suddenly bumped into something- or someone. I open my eyes slowly knowing too well who I bumped into. I saw Dani rubbing her forehead probably from the impact.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." She apologized. I felt my cheeks heating up.

"No, it's my fault Dani, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry about last....." I was about to apologize for pulling her to my bed when she cut me off.

"It's fine Aster, we don't have to talk about it. It happens." She whispered. Though it kind of felt like she wanted to say more but I just let it slide. She walked past me after the encounter and closed the bathroom door behind me. I sighed to myself not really wanting to worsen the scenario so I decided to just put on my uniform, fix my damp hair, and put on some makeup.

Since Dani and I have pretty much all the classes together I decided to wait for her to finish so we can go. I don't want to be awkward around her so I thought I should try forgetting about last night.

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