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del didn't even get to close her eyes before the phone started to ring off the hook once again.
She sighed before going to pick up the phone.

The only thing del heard was just static droning over the phone."Hello?" Del questioned.
"is somebody there?"Del wanted an answer.

"I need help." she stated.del didn't speak for a while waiting for someone to answer but there wasn't an answer. "Hello?" Del asked again.

"Odelia." Dels heard a raspy voice say making her hang up the phone in fear. She just looked
at the phone as it continued to ring sightly.

Once she saw that the phone was going to stop
ringing she went towards the phone and click
the hook making the phone stop ringing.

But that didn't work it rung again which pissed
her off making her pick up the phone putting it to her ear. "don't hang up." Del heard a boy.

"i'm trying not to." del grunted creeped out.
"who is this?" she questioned the person on the other side of the phone. "I don't remember."
The boy admitted leaving the girl confused.

"how don't you remember your name." Del questioned the clueless mysterious little boy.
"it's the first thing you lose." he explained.

"the first thing you lose when?" Del needed more answers. "You know when." he muttered
she quickly understood what the boy meant.

"how'd you know my name?" del changed the subject obviously scared. "we met before." was all the mysterious boy had told the curious girl.

"Your rings rock." The boy commented on her goth rings making her turn to think about it.
"You're Bruce Yamada." She reminded him.

"Y-yeah." Bruce stammered as he sort of remember his own identity that got taken.
"uh i'm bruce." he repeated in love with it.

"your rings rock,I want them." he repeated the quote once again. "did the phone ring for you?"
del questioned wanted to know if he heard it.

"it ranged but none of us heard it,just you."
Bruce told the girl leaving her confused on who was 'us' but she didn't say about the word.
"the grabber hears the phone too." he added.

"but he doesn't want to believe it." Bruce said.
"Why are you calling me?" Del sighed stressed.
"Your rings rock,I want them." he repeatrd.

"i'm glad it's you." he calmly told the stressed out girl on the other line of the black phone.
"Dels?" bruce questioned the quiet girl.

"yeah?" del answered. "there's a dirt section of the floor in the hallway, where the tile is loose."
Bruce explained to del. "okay." Del answered.

"dig down underneath the foundation." he added. "I tried, but there was time for me to dig up and out the otherside." bruce admitted.

"will I have enough time?" del asked the boy.
She heard static droning and the line go dead.
"fuck." del hung up the phone on the hook.

Del went to the hallway and started to remove the tiles digging my nails into the dark brown dirt.she putting some of it in the toilet watched
as it flushed down the toilet and put down a mat so the grabber wouldn't see what she done.

She threw herself onto the mattress falling asleep into a slumber slowly without knowing.


today at school we're having an assembly for the missing kids that were presumed dead, all
Finn could think about was Robin and Del.

the crowd looked at Finn and Gwen because
they all knew how close they were to robin and del.finn and gwen was on the verge of tears when del was presumed that she was dead.

But they didn't know that she was actually very much alive, well they did know but the town didn't know she was actually still breathing.

"I had a dream about del." Gwen admitted to Finn as they were walking back home from the assembly. "What was it about?" Finn asked.

"She was alive, inside of a basement screaming for help I'm guessing." Gwen explained to Finn
as he just looked in shocked del was alive.

"Anyways I'm going over to heather's house tonight." She told the boy as they departed from each other. "I'll look after dad." Finn waved goodbye continuing on with his walk.

Finney watched as a man appeared from the side of a black van stumbled dropping his bags of groceries onto the ground. "Oh!" The man laughed at his clumsiness as Finn appeared.

"You need some help?" Finn offered to help out the old man. "You see that?" The pale man laughed. "Yeah." Finney chuckled with him.

"Would you hand me my hat?" The pale man
pointed into a direction. Finney hesitated but he handed the man the hat. "I am a part-time magician." The man introduced himself.

"Would you like to see a magic trick?" The man asked while shaking up a gray mysterious can.
"Yeah." Finney stupidly agreed the magic trick.

"are those black ballons in there?" Finney saw inside the back window of the van becoming very clear of what was going to happen next.

The man opened the back the truck and pulled out the ballons throwing them into his face so he wouldn't get out,Finney manged to cut the pale man causing him to groan in pain.

The man sprayed a mysterious substance into his man putting the boy into a deep slumber.

𝑅𝑂𝐶𝐾 𝑃𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐸-𝑅𝑂𝐵𝐼𝑁 𝐴𝑅𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐴𝑁𝑂Where stories live. Discover now