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when del woke up all she felt was the pain her nose was currently in at the cruel moment.
"son of a bitch." del cursedwhen she woke up.

Finney was del's only hope of escaping to be free and hopefully he had called for help once he had escaped to the fresh outside world.

She wiped the blood that was coming from her nose that was currently spewing blood from the punch last night,the phone started to ring.

"No." Del mumbled not wanting to answer it.
The phone ranged as it wanted to be picked it.
"Fuck you." Del called out as it continues ring.

Del got fed up finally deciding to answer the phone. "what?" Del scolded as she sat down.
"are you going to fucking something?" she called out to the static that was messing up.

"Do you even know who you fucking are?" Del
grunted as she was fed up with phone calls.
"What the shit kind of question is that?" Del heard a rough voice grunt in annoyance as well.

"Do you even know who you are?" The voice asked. "i'm fucking Odelia hopper shithead."
Del snapped at the asshole on the other line.

"well,nice to meet you again asshole." the voice greeted as she frowned her brows confused,
Then it all clicked she was talking to vance.

She felt the bed dip in as if someone sat down.
"Today's the day motherfucker." Vance called.
"have you tried stacking the carpets to reach the window?" the curly blonde boy asked del.

"I've tried everything vance." Del sighed.
"No,not everything." The blonde told the girl.

"When the grabber saw what I had done, that was it and he took his time with me too." He explained to the younger black haired girl.

"What did you do?" del questioned curiously.
"oh,that fucker had to spend a fortune to repair the damages." Vance chuckled like a manic.

"what did you do?" Del became annoyed again.
"i'm getting to that asshole." vance scolded her.
"or do you have something else to fucking do?"
Vance questioned the inpatient little girl.

"oh wait, you can't do shit locked in a fucking dirty ass basement." Vance reminded the girl.
"i'm listening you shithead." Del snapped off.

"there's an outlet in the shitter,across from the john." vance went on. "yeah, i've seen it." Del told the curly dirty blonde haired boy. "on the other side wall,there's a storage room." he said.

"you can't get into their room because there's a big upright freezer in the way." he explained.
"okay." del nodded her head as she agreed.

"break into the wall about two feet above the outlet till you get to a panel with screws in it."
He slowly explained so del could understand.

𝑅𝑂𝐶𝐾 𝑃𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐸-𝑅𝑂𝐵𝐼𝑁 𝐴𝑅𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐴𝑁𝑂Where stories live. Discover now