Part 1: Green Hill Zone

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The day started as normal for Raymond and Sci-Twi. Learning new spells for a multitude of purposes. Of course, they had to practice outside Twi's house to avoid collateral damage.

Raymond: Come on, Twilight. You can do it!
Twilight: Okay, here goes.
A magical chime is heard, and Raymond suddenly grows a mustache. This makes him excited.
Raymond: Ha ha! Ya did it! Growing magic, that's number twenty-five. Twenty-five different types of tricks and counting. And I think this is the best trick so far. Why hello there, miss. What's that? Aw, it's nothin', just my awesome mustache. [laughter]
Twilight: Sorry, Romeo. As attractive and enticing as you look, it's just for practice, and it's gotta go.
Raymond: Wait! Aw, rats!

Twilight: [laughter]

Just then, Sunset walks in with a concerned look on her face.

Sunset: Hey guys.

Raymond: What's wrong, SunShim?

Sunset: I can't find our friends. They weren't in class today. I tried calling them. But, no answer. All five cell phones, all straight to voicemail.

 Raymond: I'm sure they're around. What's the worst that could have happened?

Suddenly, a Time Hole appears which produces a shock wave.

Twilight: Guys! What's that!?
Raymond realizes the chili dog he was eating is gone and searches for it. The Time Eater emerges from the Time Hole.

Twilight: What's it doing?

Raymond is disappointed that he lost his chili dog, and then looks at the Time Eater. The Time Eater roars, and produces a Time Hole that starts sucking Sci-Twi in.

Twilight: Raymond, Sunset! Help me!

Raymond: Hey! Way past uncool, bro!

Raymond dashes towards the Time Eater, and jumps forward to attack it with a Light Speed Attack. But the Time Eater swats him aside, and Raymond gets slammed into Sunset hard. Sci-Twi is just barely hanging on to a street light.

Twilight: Help me, Raymond!

Twilight gets sucked into the Time Hole. Raymond and Sunset lay unconscious as the screen turns white.

[Scene change: Sonic's world, meadow.]

Several of Sonic's friends are seen preparing for his birthday party on a meadow near a lake. Tails comes in running.
Tails: [Panting] He'll be here any second!

Sonic arrives shortly after.

Sonic: Hey guys, what's going on? You having a party or something?

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!

Knuckles, Blaze, Rouge and Espio fire party poppers. Blaze claps.

Sonic: Awwww, you guys.

Espio claps as the party begins. Sonic talks to Tails before being hugged by Amy, Rouge and Knuckles cheer with chili dogs, Charmy throws three chili dogs into Vector's mouth, with Espio annoyed at the duo's antics, and Cream and Cheese encourage Blaze to relax.

Tails: It's kinda impossible to surprise you.

Sonic: [With his hand on Amy's face] You totally got me this time, I had no idea.

Tails: Yeah, right. Happy birthday, Sonic! Hope you like this.

Tails gets a plate with a wrapped in a bow. Sonic quickly snatches the plate from Tails and takes a bite out of the chili dog.

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