Part 3: Metal Sonic and Nightmare Moon

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(A/N: This fight takes place on Stardust Speedway: Good Future. I cannot stress enough how important differences like that are.)

After defeating Metal Sonic, Sunlight made her way through another portal and into a strange hallway.

???: Hey, Sugar-hog.

Sunlight, surprised, turned around to see Applejack and Twilight standing behind her.

Sunlight: What are you two doing here?

Twilight: We, mostly I, didn't want you to go it alone this time.

Sunny simply nodded as the trio walked through the hall. Sunlight glanced around as she spoke. 

Sunlight: Do either of you recognize this place? Because I know I've never been here. 

At the moment, she, Twilight, and Applejack were walking through a corridor that greatly resembled the corridor leading to the tower where Princess Celestia kept the Elements of Harmony. The only difference was that the rug they were walking on was black, the tiled floor beneath it was completely gray, and a shroud of darkness seemed to cover the corridor. It wasn't dark enough that they were unable to see the walls and windows, but the black was still apparent.

Twilight: Based on what my counterpart told me, This LOOKS like the corridor in Canterlot Castle leading to the tower where the Elements of Harmony are stored, but I don't think that's where we are. There's something... off, about it. I mean, besides the lack of color and the darkness, of course.

Applejack looked up at one of the stained glass windows on the right side of the hall. 

Applejack: Ah don't know about that, Twilight. Look, these are the same windows they saw when they came after Discord broke out.

All three of them came to a stop and Sonic and Twilight looked up at the window Applejack was looking at. It showed Princess Celestia and Princess Luna using the Elements of Harmony to seal Discord in stone for the first time.

Sunlight: I suppose that makes some sense. Sounds like somebody I know. Although compared to him, this Discord guy doesn't sound too bad. I don't know since I've never met the guy personally like you have, but I'm pretty sure Eggman's got him beat in the 'evil' category.

Twilight: Eggman?

Sunlight: Dr. Eggman. Mad scientist, wannabe world conqueror, has no regard for the environment or anyone he hurts as long as he gets what he wants.

Applejack: [chuckles] 'Eggman' sounds like a silly name for the kind o' guy yer describin', Sugar-hog.

Sunlight: [shrugs] It was meant to be a joke; I think his name is actually Robotnik, since his grandfather had that name, but even he refers to himself as Eggman.

Twilight tilted her head to the side as she spoke, "Hm. Interesting." She looked back up at the stained glass windows and said, "Look, there's the window of us, the other us, with the Elements of Harmony." Sunlight and Applejack looked up at the window and all three of them came to a stop in front of it.

Looking further down the hall, Applejack spoke, "And there's the one o' em sealing Discord back into stone. That settles it, then! We must be at Canterlot Castle!"

Sunlight turned around and looked at the windows on the other side of the hall. She started walking back the way they came. 

Sunlight: I don't think so, Applejack. I'm pretty sure Sunset and I don't have spots on the castle windows.

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