Ch. 1 Daydream

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*this may get a little spicy it may not. We'll see*

Your pov:
Today was a Sunday, you got up earlier than usual to go to work with Steve and Robin.

You sat in bed for a moment, thinking about Robin. You did this quite often recently and you weren't sure why.

Eventually, you got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. While you were waiting for the water to get warm you decided to brush your teeth quickly, once you were done, you hopped into the shower.

About five minutes into your shower you heard a knock on your bathroom door,

"y/n? It's me," you heard Robin's voice say.

You didn't say anything, and suddenly the door started opening.

"y/n? Are you ok?"

"Oh um... yeah I'm all good."

She walked over to the shower door and pushed it open.

"Robin? What are you doing?"


She was still fully clothed but she grabbed your arm, pulling you closer to her. Your forehead was resting on hers.

"Is this ok?"

You were too stunned to speak so you just nodded.
She removed her hand from your arm and brought it up to your face along with her other hand and she leaned forward ever so slightly, connecting your lips.

The kiss was incredible, you felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach- that was until...

"y/n!! Are you ok?" Robin yelled at you from your bathroom door.

"Oh... yeah I'm fine." You yelled back to her.

"Ok I'm just going to sit on your bed and wait for you." She said.

*what the fuck was that???? Did I just imagine kissing Robin... and like it?* you groan. Then you remember that you left your clothes in your room. "Fuck could this morning get any worse????" You said out loud. Maybe a little too loud.

A few minutes later, you get out of the shower and try to think of an alternative to walking out into your bedroom, in a towel, in front of Robin but, there is none.

You get over yourself and open the bathroom door, entering your bedroom.

"Hey... Robin." You said

"Hey y/n," she gulped.

Robins pov:

y/n just walked out of her bathroom... in a towel. God she's so beautiful. I'm trying not to stare but it's hard not to.

I can feel my cheeks warming up. Oh god, I probably look like a tomato.

"Umm, do you want me to go out? You know, while you get dressed." I asked.

"No that's ok. I don't... I don't mind you staying," she replied.

Oh my god- at this point I have to look like a tomato because I am so flustered, I can feel butterflies in my stomach, something I've only ever felt around her.

She was grabbing her clothes from her dresser, and then... she dropped her towel- I wasn't sure if it was an accident or not but either way I tried being respectful and looking away.

She turned towards me and I looked up slightly, just for a second I promise, and I saw her, I saw... everything, and I realized that she is absolutely perfect.

I was staring at the ground and I saw her bend down and pull on a pair of blue, lacy underwear. I fell backwards on her bed and stared at the ceiling so that I would stop myself from looking at her.

A few minutes passed and she was fully dressed.

"Hey Robin, did you get anything to eat this morning?" She asked me.

I was still a little flustered, "Hmm? Oh... um... no not yet." I replied.

"Do you want anything?" She asked.

"No thanks, I'm uh... I'm all good. What about you?"

"No I uh... I ate earlier." She said. That doesn't sound convincing. Oh well, whatever.

We got in the car and she drove us to work.

Your pov:

Oh my god- robin watched me get dressed... well not really, she just... looked, a few times. I'm not complaining. I just feel awkward, she probably thinks I'm really weird.

I wanted to run over to her and kiss her until my mind went blank but I couldn't. She would probably hate me forever if I did that. Oh god- and now she's seen me naked.

"Ughhhh," I groaned. Shit! I didn't realize Steve was right behind me.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asked me.

Robin started walking over, "Um nothing Stevie. I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied.

"Mhm, riiiight, y/l/n I know when you're lying," he said.

"Steve, I swear! It's nothing," you replied, staring at Robin for a second.

Steve noticed. "Ohhh I see what's going on," he smirked and glanced over at Robin then back at you.

"Steve, you have no clue what you're talking about."

"We can talk about this later," he said as Robin approached us.

"Hey, what was all that about?" Robin asked.

"Oh it's nothing," I responded.

Robin's pov:

y/n was having a very heated conversation with Steve and now she wants to act like it's nothing?? I think something's going on between them. I started to feel sick to my stomach.

"Oh ok, I'm gonna... I'll be right back." I said walking to the restroom.

Tears started forming in my eyes, soon they started streaming down my face uncontrollably.

I didn't even know for sure if something was going on with y/n and Steve but it still hurt.

Just then, I heard a knock...

To be continued...

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