21. Getting Ready

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My mind has been over the place this morning

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My mind has been over the place this morning. Zane and I stayed in our room the rest of the day yesterday, other than when he put pants on to grab us some dinner plates. He flat out refused for me to dress and said he wanted me to rest after the challenge.

Not that we truly rested or even went to sleep until early morning hours this morning because we were having sex on any surface possible. Then I cleaned up and wiped down every surface once I knew he was asleep. This morning I caught Zane recleaning the areas having not known I already done it. Never hurts to be extra clean though.

Now, I have showered again and put my robe on because Jasel will be coming up in just a few minutes. I watched Zane dress in nice jeans and a button down shirt that strains against his muscles. It may be a good thing he did leave out of the room already.

I may have been very unexperienced when meeting Zane but I have learned quickly on everything to do with that intimate time with him. I am glad that at least I was not a virgin, not to mention it would have been embrassing to be twenty-nine and never touched at all.

A knock comes from the door and I open it up to Jasel.

"Are you ready to get glamored up?" She smiles.

"Sure. You have your dress to right? I would love to do you hair and make up too." I giggle.

"Of course." Jasel walks in with her dress in the box and then a bag.

We get to plugging in the different hair styling tools and then work on our make up. Jasel's eyes keep glancing over and smirking at me as we work on our own eyeliner.

"What is it Jasel?" I snicker.

"Oh nothing. Just that neither you or Zane made it to dinner last night. Which by the way, is very strange because then they make me take the first helping of food." Jasel laughs.

"Didn't they do that before I got here?" I ask.

"Yes, they did. I had to grab at least a little something on my plate before everyone else would ever think about filling theirs."

"That is good though because it shows respect for you as well." I smile and finish one eye before starting the other.

We continue working on the make up we are putting on. I am going for a more natural look with soft tones and Jasel seems to be following the same route too, but she used a very light blue almost silver eyeshadow where I choose a lighter golden brown. Matches our dress in a way, making it funny.

"Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yes I am. Will there be anything that I have to do immediately after?" I look over to her in the mirror, while I restraightening out my hair.

"No, just repeat things that Zane tells you too. Once the ceremony is complete be ready for a massive headache because it will open up for everyone in the pack to be connected to you and not just Zane. If you guys had not mated before now than it would have been expected too be done tonight after the ceremony for it to be completely done."

My eyes pop open. "I didn't even think about that being part of the ceremony."

"Well it is not like you would have done the deed in front of everyone. It is part of it because the Alpha and Luna have to be tied in everyway to lead. It is what makes you both equals." Jasel smiles.

"What would have happened if I didn't win the challenge?" My mind takes on that route and it causes some anger to build in me.

"Zane and Conan would have found a way to banish Calin either way honestly. She would not have been allowed to rule as Luna. They would have charged her for threatening the Alpha's mate more than likely. As for other Alpha's that lost their mate but choose the next strong she-wolf to be Luna, then there is another ritual that brings them close as one to where they don't have the close inimaticy there but most of the time it leads to that anyways."

I nod slowly, setting down the straightener.

"Dress time." Jasel claps her hands putting down the curling iron and running her fingers through her hair.

We walk back out to the bed and open the boxes. Together we slip our robes off and the dresses on. Jasel zips up my dress then I zip up hers. Sitting on the bed, we putting on the small heels we picked out to match our dresses. Both of us went for black heels, just to where it is formal and can be worn with many other things not just for tonight alone.

Both of us walk down the stairs and Jasel holds me back from opening the door. She smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"I am so glad that you are here and fixing to officially be brought in as our Luna. In a short time, you also have became the best friend a girl could ask for. Don't let anything bring you down from the charm, softness, and kindness you have in you that got brought out by being here." She whispers.

I pull back from the hug. "Thank you Jasel that means so much to me and this feels like home. A place I hadn't felt in a very long time. Your an amazing friend as well." I smile back to her.

"Now, Conan will come in and will walk me out to the stand. Then he will come back and walk you. Since the events of everything going on and you not having actual family member here, the next in rank will walk you out. Zane can't do it since he is Alpha and has to stand by the podium the entire time."

I nod and smile, just as Conan steps in the door.

"Ladies we are ready for you both when you are." Conan smirks and bows.

"We are ready." Jasel kisses him quickly and they turn to the door.

"Oh, there is a surprise for you. Once I get Jasel walked up to the stage then your surprise will be here for you." Conan winks and walks them out quickly before I can respond.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Special moment between Keave and Jasel?

Guesses on what the surprise for Keave may be?

Guesses on what the surprise for Keave may be?

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