52. After My Mate

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The men get the things cleaned up from dinner and Chave takes Chester for Jasel tonight since he fell asleep in my arms

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The men get the things cleaned up from dinner and Chave takes Chester for Jasel tonight since he fell asleep in my arms.

So Jasel and I step out the side door and walk to the storage area. I unlock the one special door with the key I have got and look over all the weapons that has been brought in. There are so many new ones that Zane and Conan has got to the pack within the last few days since the whole fight and period stuff happened.

I still hate the quietness going on out there and right now the best thing to do is prepare for anything.

"So how does this one work?" Jasel points.

"Same as the others, but this one will fire multiple rounds off at once rather than just one single shot." I pick it up and hand it to her.

We get several different guns before the guys walk out.

"Started all the fun without us there sisters?" Blaze smirks walking up.

"You know how to shoot a gun." I smirk back to him.

"I am learning and this is fun." Jasel smiles.

"Even more fun with targets to hit." Blaze laughs.

Zane steps up and wraps his arms around me. "Anything you need me to do?"

I lay the weapon down and turn in his arms. "Maybe getting some of the pure silver blocks from the other side of the storage for me."

"You got it." Zane takes off.

Conan has his arm drapped over Jasel's shoulders. "What are you going to do with silver blocks?"

Zane steps up with two in his hand.

"Make up some bullets for this guns here." I point to two different ones.

I grab the other items needed as they get a fire going for me to melt the silver down. Once all that is done, I use the casens from the empty rounds and begin the mold and set process. Several warriors come up and watch how I am working over things and it fills me with joy when they ask questions.

I get the clips loaded with the bullets I made up and the two guns are ready to go at a moments notice. Something I should have done a few days back, but I have been busy with Luna duties. Plus, I hadn't choose the two I prefer out of the lot of weapons brought in.

Zane stiffens right when I go to close the door for the armory we have now.

"What is it?" I look to him.

"A rogue at the borderline and you won't believe who it is." He sighs.

I got one guess but we will seen soon. Taking one of the guns back with me, I place it in my pants under my shirt in the back.

Zane takes my hand and we walk to the borderline.

Warriors stand in wolf form and part for us to stand in between them. There stands Calin, naked as ever and honestly doesn't even seem to have modesty anymore.

"You were told that you would be killed if you came back here." Zane growls.

"That is why I am on this side of the borderline." Calin sasses.

It is a good thing she wasn't in wolf form because she would have hit a bomb. Right now, it is honest luck she missed them in the first place, but there is one of either side of her.

I send a link to the warriors here to duck if she moves an inch to either side.

"You're not coming back to the pack." Zane states sounding bored.

"I don't want to come back where the pack could defend some blood sucking whore. Then again I guess the bite is addicting." Calin's face takes on a dreamy state.

I crane my neck and can see the fang marks. I roll my eyes slightly, because her being a whore to spread her legs, it makes sense why she enjoys the bite of a vampire too.

Wait, vampires! They are close by.

There are vampires close. Look at her neck. I link Zane. He moves his head and can see the mark with how his body turns tense and ready for anything.

"How does it feel being a blood bag?" I ask her.

"It disgust me but then again it makes me feel so good." Calin sighs.

She has been fed on for a couple of days with the state she is in. I send a link to Zane and let him aware of it. Being a vampire before and around them enough to know how the victims are if they are used for feed bags and not just killed.

"I came to actually warn you." Calin looks at me.

I keep silent and raise an eyebrow.

"They are coming to collect and soon. I won't bother with the date, because I can't remember. The one that wants you to be his choosen beloved has a chip for you and said you can't resist, thats why they are taking so long. I suggest you do though because he can have me. Why is it everyone chooses you and not me?" Calin whines.

"Because I am not some conviving, idiotic, whore." I whisper under my breath.

The warriors give off wolfish chuckles and Zane tries to stay neutral, but Calin turns red.

"I hope you fight them and die. Not before you see what the gift they bring for you is. The nest would have been here several nights ago but they hit a snag getting your gift here." Calin growls and backs away.

"You're not going anywhere." Zane's commands comes out strong.

Even though she is not a member anymore, the Alpha command makes her stop.

"Walk over the line and go straight now." Zane continues.

Her body forces her to obey and once she is over. Zane pulls me back some. A few warriors have shifted and thrown on shorts.

"Calin, you will now be placed in the cells for further questioning. You have been working with the nest and they know exactly where we are. There is no way we can let you just leave when it is clear how much you know from an enemy." Zane growls.

He turns and wraps his arms around me as we start to walk back to the pack house.

"Oh, by the way." Zane stops and looks over his shoulder. "Thanks for confirming my suspicions that the nest is after my mate. Which is another penalty on you for going against the Luna of this pack. Hope you enjoy a slow death."

Calin screams about wanting to go back to the nest, as the warriors take her to the cells.

"We need to get the others into the office and let them know." I whisper to Zane.

"They are already there and waiting on us." Zane kisses my head gently as we quickly walk into the house.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

It's happening soon any minute the nest could appear!

Who is ready?

Who is ready?

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