Stood Up (smut)

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tw/cw. graphic rough sex, heavy venti slander, onesided xiaoven, a bit of onesided aexiao, trans characters, angst-ish, handcuffs, sort of public? uhh what else .. ngl that might be it but beware o _ o

Aether kicked at the decorations in his way, stomping down the halls of his high school. He muttered multiple curses under his breath. His golden curls swayed behind him.

"tch, I'll kill that stupid bard."

Prom night had come, and it was most likely the greatest letdown of Aether's year.

He was so sure that Xiao would've asked him. What was it? Was he not pretty enough? Practically all the boys in the school had asked him to prom. Xiao was one of the few exceptions. Out of the majority that did ask, he turned everyone single one of them down.

He flung open the doors to the gymnasium, scanning the crowded venue for a familiar head of teal, or that deep forest green suit that had practically made him drool the first time he had seen Xiao wearing it. He had picked out that suit especially for his "best friend." knowing exactly how perfect he would look in it. He stomped again, crushing one of the many balloons that littered the floor under the stiletto of his shoe. A few faces turned towards him, staring. He didn't care. It didn't matter. None of them were Xiao.

He turned on his heel, exiting just as quickly as he had arrived.

He marched down the halls, nearly pushing the bathroom door off of its hinges as he rushed inside.

He was met with empty, stagnant air.

'ugh, where did that fucking weasel take him."

Aether, blinded by mindless rage had checked nearly every inch of that godforsaken school, still unable to find either Venti or Xiao.

Verging on giving up, he made his way to the exit of the school. Whether he would find Xiao outside or not, at least the refreshing midnight air was sure to provide him some comfort.

His heels clacked on the pavement as his hair swayed in the breeze.

He scanned the parking lot, instantly spotting a rather deflated version of his long-term crush. He raced towards him, tackling him to the ground instantly.

"WHERE IN THE LIVING FUCK WERE YOU" Aether shrieked. He immediately noticed the tears, dried on his cheeks, some still fresh in his eyes.

Xiao mumbled a very faint "" "I .. was here" His voice bleak from crying.


I swear I'll kill him.


Xiao sat up, attempting to push Aether off of him. It was useless, the blonde still clung to his shoulders, legs wrapped firmly around his waist. If he hadn't been so sad, he might've noticed the bulge forming underneath Aether's dress.

Xiao sighed, dropping a bouquet of cecilias on the pavement beside him and wrapping his newly freed arms around his "best friend's" back. He crumpled, resting his chin on Aether's shoulder.

"He did nothing .. heh, didn't even show up"

Aether's nails instinctively dug into Xiao's back at the thought.

"I'll kill him" He spat.

"A-Aether, it's okay"

"I'll kill him" He repeated, more hostile than before.

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