"Morning" (smut)

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Heyyy ... what's up guys

(how and why did this take me 6 months to publish)

tw/cw/notes ;

-Xiao has a dubcon kink, yeah, this one's a little fucked up guys I'm sorry. I swear it's all consensual. If you want to read the consent before the sex I left it at the end of the chapter<3

-Rough treatment, it's not even that heavy on sex they're just making out explicitly, blood/biting, choking, size different (HEIGHT, not .. not the other kind) (I'm sorry it just seemed right for this one, I'm avoiding all the pedophilia undertones of that kink. Xiao is older than Aether if that makes it any better .. Ae's just ridiculously tall (just like someone else we all know and love ;))

-Aether is like 6" and probably out of character. I don't fully know how to write him so it's literally just me 😭😭 bye

Enjoy your meal 🫶

*3rd person POV


Xiao rested silently against the kitchen counter. Phone in hand as he scrolled mindlessly, eyes still weary from sleep. He wore nothing but an apron, draped over his neck and tied loosely around his waist. The apron, belonging to his partner was much too large. It fit loosely around his hips, and his back and legs were left exposed. What can he say? It's not like he lived with anyone who'd care, or so he thought.

The clock ticked by and soon his lover strode down the stairs, dress shirt stuffed into his hands, along with a dark grey suit jacket that matched his pair of dress pants, those pants being the only article of clothing he was wearing.

"Good morning, my love" He hummed, stepping through to the kitchen, and disappearing from the Adeptus' view.

Xiao's gaze stayed on his phone, paying no attention to his lover. "Morni- Mmph~!?" Xiao's response was muffled as his face was stuffed into the countertop, his phone falling just out of reach. A strong hand was pushing his head down, wrapped around his neck. He squirmed in the awkward position, his arms held crossed behind his back. His back arched at the feeling of something pressed against his ass.

He let out a hoarse groan as the hand on his neck tightened, stomach pressed hard against the counter.

He knew that crime was rather uncommon in his area, though the possibility always flashed in the back of his mind. If that was the case, what had happened to his boyfriend? Unfortunately, in the event of that situation, his body would betray him. His legs hung, weakening from the rough treatment of his assailant.

"~Oh, darling. Who are you looking so irresistible for?"At the sound of his lover's voice, he melted into the marble he was pushed against. Bare skin pressed against his back as Aether loomed over him, Aether's warm breath tickling his collarbone. The blonde bit down hard, nearly drawing blood. Xiao writhed underneath him, crying out his name.

Aether persisted, biting and sucking his soft skin, leaving the occasional sweet kiss. He released his lover's arms, tracing along the tattoo he could never stop admiring. Xiao was quick to grip the edge of the counter, holding on as if his life depended on it. To say that he was too overstimulated for his own good would be an understatement.

Bites and bruises trailed along Xiao's shoulder. Tears staining his cheek, Xiao cried out in pleasure with each new mark that tainted his collar. Aether lapped over the bites with his tongue, licking up the yaksha's neck until he reached his jawline, teeth sunk into his cheek. Xiao let out a broken cry and his legs began to shake.

"Don't move~" The blonde muttered in his ear with a smile, he released his grip on Xiao's neck to untie the collar of his apron, and the loose fabric fell to his hips, exposing his chest.

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