My Favourite Part Of You (spicy fluff?)

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I'm filling the void rn

3rd person pov

"Aee, come over here~"
"Yes, what's up my love?"
Aether set his guitar down with a melodic thump, he stood up to meet Xiao in the centre of his room.
The two met in front of Xiao's phone, that was recording them and hidden from his view.
Xiao blushed, his past confidence disintegrating in Aether's eyes.
"umm .. so,"
The blonde stood still, eyes tilted down to his lover. He'd listen intently to any and every of Xiao's needs.

"Could you touch your favourite part of me?"

Aether's eyes widened slightly, he'd never been good at reading people. Was this Xiao's way of initiating something more intimate? Either way, he may as well answer honestly.

Xiao was incredibly nervous, hoping the traveller wouldn't be too lewd with his answer. He was possibly even more nervous as a smirk grew on Aether's face.
He took a step towards Xiao, raising his hands. He held Xiao's face, running his thumbs over Xiao's soft cheeks .. but he didn't stop there. The indigo haired boy felt soft touch all over his face, allowing his eyes to close as he felt kisses on his forehead, caressing his temples and around his eyes. Aether held his jaw and kissed him, rough and passionate, yet so soft, laced with sweet candy and love. A tongue slipped into his mouth. It lapped against every inch of him, after all, the traveller was nothing if not thorough. Digits fell into deep sea hair as Aether persisted. He pulled gently, just enough to stimulate his boyfriend. Any noises from Xiao were drowned in Aether's mouth as he kissed back. Slowly, hands began to wrap around Xiao's neck, tightening. He gasped for air in the kiss, but the anxiety washed away as Aether's grip loosened, making his way down his lover's body. Hands landed on his collar, feathered touches on his shoulders.
Lips slipped from the kiss, falling down his neck and chest as Aether sunk to his knees. Aether kissed all along Xiao with a sense of desperation, not once did his touch leave the boy's body. Aether was already beginning to look a bit disheveled as he fell to his knees under Xiao. Panting for air as the only thing he'd been breathing in was his lover. Rough hands slipped down from the Adeptus' ass to his thighs, Aether looked up at the boy before pressing his face into his soft lower abdomen, his lips sank lower and he kisses Xiao's crotch in a lewd manner.
At this, Xiao was in shambles. Hair covered his face and his legs were failing to hold him up. Aether noticed this, he stood and wrapped his arms around Xiao's back before he could fall, he lifted him and Xiao's legs wrapped around his hips in response as he shook and whined in the blonde's arms. Aether set him down and dove back to the ocean haired man's hips, kissing as if he was eating him out through his pants, his hands massaged Xiao's soft thighs. Every small increase in pressure was met with a subtle moan from the Yaksha beneath him.
Eventually, Aether pried himself away from Xiao's crotch, an intoxicated expression left on his face. He kissed along Xiao's left inner thigh, stroking the right with his hand. He continued down his calf until he was sure he'd touched every inch of Xiao. Once satisfied, he pulled away.
"How was that my love?"  Xiao stared at him with an impossibly red face, the sound of heavy breathing filled the room.
"Did I miss any spots? Well .. on the outside at least."
"Fuck, Aether.." Xiao panted madly as Aether stared at him with foxy eyes, gripping his thigh through his pants. "I w-was recording this.. it's a tiktok trend.."  Xiao pointed his nose to the phone that rested behind Aether's guitar case, it still recorded them, with a perfect view of the bed.
"Oh .. in that case.." Aether leaned over Xiao, slurring his words with lust, "let's make a sex tape."
Xiao's shock turn to desire, his hands fell into Aether's hair, and within a moment Aether was on top of him.


you're welcome for the cockblocking

Absolutely zero beta, none, no proofreading, no grammarly. I wrote this in my school's bathroom during lunch, the automatic lights just turned off.
I have a quiz at the end of the day, send help.

BYE THANK YOU FOR READING I LOVE YOU ALL, you're sexy asf. Have a good day. HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to push out a new chapter soon but exams say otherwise. I'm praying for summer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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