Chapter 2

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Julian's pov:

"Hey, Dot" Clary greeted

"Hey, little psychic" Julian says greeting her. "How's your future looking?" Julian asked Dot.

"Not as good as yours. The tarot cards tell me you are winning your next fight on Friday." Julian looks back at everyone flexing his muscles. "You guys hear that, undefeated champion." Everyone around him chuckles while rolling their eyes.

Dot laughs turning to Clary. "My tarot cards also tell me you got into the advanced program."
"And by 'the tarot cards' you mean Simon's Twitter account?" Clary asked Dot as the four of them chuckled.

"Okay, I follow him." She admitted. "Turns out, predicting the future with the tarot cards is very complicated." Dot grabs Clary's present from behind the counter and gives it to her. Julian smirks while trying to look in the bag"Ooo can I see what my favorite little sister received." Clary grabs the bag tight "No! you'll just have to wait till tonight, and I'm your only sister." Laughing and trying to slap Julian's hands away while everyone looks and laughs at the two.

Clary turns to Dot and gives her a hug. "thank you, Dot. But I don't think this will look good on me." Dot smiles "Sweetie with a body like yours anything would look good on you."

"And also, you might want to keep that on the down low because your mom is my boss and I don't want her to flip out." Clary chuckled and starts pulling Julian up the stairs while Simon said he'd meet up with them after quickly going home to change.

As they walked upstairs they saw their mom. She pulled Clary into a hug as she congratulated her, I stood waiting on the side rocking back and forth on my feet. Clary and Mom both looked up at me and giggled. "Julian sweetie get in here and give your mom and sister a hug." Julian laughs and runs straight into them almost knocking them over while wrapping both of his arms around them while the girls just sight and relax into them, just wanting to enjoy the moment until they had to go back into reality.

Mom then pulled out two presents and handed them on to both Clary and me. A little confused Julian looks up at his mom. "Umm... Mom, you do realize it's not my birthday too." Their mom looked up and smiled "I know sweetie but I just wanted to give this at the same time to both of you guys, so I waited until Clary turned 18."

Julian and Clary both looked at each other and smiled before turning towards their gift and opening them. I opened mine to see a paperweight of some kind, but the design and the object itself seemed so familiar.

"It's called a stele," Mom told us and I looked over at Clary to see that she was holding the same thing as me. "Thanks, mom both Clary and Julian said at the same time."

"It's a family heirloom," Mom said. "We Frays have heirlooms?" Clary said surprised while I continued to stare at the Stele frustrated wondering where I had seen it before. "A few" mom said. 

"You know what's weird? I doodled something like this, this morning," Clary says while looking at the markings of the runes on the Stele. Julian looks up at Clary with wide eyes, "That's where I must have seen this design before. I swear I thought I was losing my mind, I knew I had seen it before. Thanks, Clairebear." Julian says while planting a kiss on her forehead. Jocelyn looks at the two with worried eyes.

"Honey, sweetheart, I need to-" Jocelyn was cut off by Clary's phone ringing loudly. "Is it Simon? Tell him to wear that nice fitted black shirt I got him." Julian replies while wiggling his brows at Clary who giggles and asks Simon if he heard. "Anyways I'm going to go get changed you beautiful ladies, so if you'll need me I'll be in my room." Julian walked into his room to get ready for Clary's birthday party with Simon and Maureen.

He dressed himself up in some skinny black jeans with a v-neck black shirt, and his favorite leather jacket he received from his sister on his birthday. Julian loved wearing that jacket, it was like a piece of protection for him. He always felt like his sister was with him as he wore it. Just to make it even more special, Clary had stitched their initials on the inside of the cuffs. 

Once done, he walked into Clary's room to see her admiring the shirt Dot had given her. "So that's what our little psychic has given you. I must say little sis you look amazing in it, not so sure mom would approve." Julian says while laying done on her bed like a starfish. "Which is why I am going to wear a jacket to hide it," Clary smirks while jumping on top of him.

Julian groans in pain while trying to shove Clary off of him. Clary laughed loudly before finally relenting and getting off. "Alrighty big brother, shall we go before Simon gets impatient waiting outside." while grabbing her boots.

Both of the Fray siblings walked out of the room together, well more like Clary shoved Julian behind her as they both couldn't fit. Julian huffed and walked behind her with a pout. "that was rude lil sis." Clary looked over her shoulder and smirked. 

"Hey, Luke what's up?" Clary says, walking into the room. "Hey! Incredible drawings," Luke replies, looking away from Jocelyn who looked quite tense. "Hey, Julian, some of the boys from the prescient are planning on coming to your match on Friday." Julian walks over to Luke and pulls him into a hug smiling wide." Really! Alright everyone better be wearing a shirt with my face on it, just imagine the whole bleacher's filled with my face. It would be amazing." Everyone looks at him shaking their heads and laughing. 

Luke turns his head towards Clary still laughing  "I got you these," Luke says to Clary. He held out a box of brightly coloured spray paints with a bow on it. "Oh, they're perfect," Clary replies. 

"If I catch any of that paint on city walls I will arrest you," Luke tells her, half serious. Julian chuckles at his father-like figure. "And I'll help." Clary rolls her eyes slapping his arm.

"The paint is for Simons van, I'm insisting they rename the band,"  She explains to them. "oh, yes please," Their mother sighed turning back to her coffee.

"Did your guy's mom talk to you about that?" Luke asks the two, pointing at the Stele that was hanging out of both their jacket pocket.

"The heirloom? Yeah, it's stunning," Julian said while Clary nodded. "Julian, Clary you guys are older now and- "Luke began, only to be cut off by Clary. "What is it with you guys? I'm turning eighteen, it's not like Julian and I are on some epic journey," Clary argued annoyed. "I mean it would be cool if it had like magic powers to it," Julian said pulling his out. Unable to help himself he pointed his Stele at his mom loudly saying Avada Kedavra. 

"Julian!" all three of them exclaimed. "Sorry..." Julian said slowly backing away. "Nobody enjoys my Harry potter references besides Simon. I miss him already, Clary, sister dearest when is my lover coming over," Julian exclaimed dramatically while  Clary rolled her eyes.

"Already here Julian," Simon says blushing before turning towards Clary. "But you guys are on some epic journey, see we are going to Lambardi's to celebrate your birthday after our gig."

"You guys should come back here after, the city's not safe right now," Jocelyn told the three of them. "Don't worry mom, I'll watch over them," Julian says smugly. "That's the problem Jocelyn says looking at him. "Hey" Julian exclaimed. 

"Ah, thanks mom but we're set," Clary replied timidly while holding the paints and turning to leave.

"Yeah, we'll take a rain check, wait," Simon stopped, turning back to Jocelyn, "Do I smell chicken cacciatore?"

Jocelyn nods and smirks thinking she was maybe able to persuade them to stay. 

"Simon, your gig," Clary insists, reaching for his arm to try and pull him along. 

"Oh, you're singing?" Luke asks skeptically looking at Simon. "Yes, big gig, and by big, I mean not so," Simon says smirking and chuckling with Luke.

Jocelyn grabs both Clary and Julian into a hug. "Losing circulation here," Clary breathes out. "Not me mom, keep it coming Julians says while squeezing harder. "Breakfast, you two and me tomorrow," Their mother tells them, "Promise?"

"You got it mom," Julians says while pulling Clary and Simon along. "Clary looks at both of them "Shall we?"

"Yes," Simon drags out, taking her paints from her as she jumps on his back. 

"Wait up for me losers," Julian yells while chuckling after them.

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