Chapter 7

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"No fair Clary! I called shotgun," Julian whines from the backseat. 

With Simon driving, Clary was in the passenger, Alec was sitting behind Clary with Julian in between him and Izzy. Practically sitting on both of the Lightwood's laps, while Jace was sitting behind Simon. 

Clary looks back and giggles when she sees the seating arrangement. "Sorry what was that big brother, I couldn't hear you."

Julian annoyed crosses his arms accidentally elbowing Alec in the process. "OMG I'm so sorry," Julian says trying to rub Alec's chest.

Alec grabs his hands and keeps them there in his lap. "It's fine, let's just keep these here so they don't accidentally take out someone's eyes or nose," Alec says while lightly laughing as he is amused with Julian's antics. 

"This is your fault, Clary!" Julian jokingly yells at his sister, but enjoying the feeling of Alec's hands on his. He didn't know why he was so affected by his touch, but all he knew was that he never wanted Alec to stop touching him.

While all of that was going on, none were aware of the sly looks Izzy and Jace gave each other, when they saw Alec start to slowly rub his thumb back and forth on Julian's hand.


Time skip....

The group arrived at Pandemonium. As the six of them walked down the alleyway Clary began to start walking faster. She suddenly stops and grabs her necklace, gasping immediately.

"No!" Clary says before she begins to run.

"Little one what's happening," Julian yells after Clary while trying to keep up with her.

"Clary! Clary, stop. Where are you going?" Jace asks her as he grabs her confused. Julian ever the overprotective brother, pulls her away and brings her into his arms.

Clary wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at Julian with tears in her eyes.

"Little one, you have to tell me what happened or I won't be able to help," Julian says softly to her while rubbing her back.

Alec unable to stop his thoughts, wishes it was him in Julian's embrace. Embarrassed he puts on a scowl not wanting to show the effect this man has on him. 

"Two men, Circle members...the same ones who came to our house, who took Mom. They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her," Clary tells him.

"We have to stop them! Clary tells him before running again making Julian go after her. The two stop as they enter Pandemonium and Clary looks around slowly.

"No," Clary says with her breathing shaking.

"No. She was just trying to help us," Clary says as she reaches for her necklace with a broken expression on her face. Julian quickly pulls her into a hug, sad himself that they might have lost another family member they hold dear to their hearts. 

Simon puts a hand on Clary's shoulder, "Clary, I'm sorry," Simon tells her sadly as Clary shakes her head.

"You don't understand it. Dot is like another sister to us, Clary tells him as she shakes her head.

"It's not safe here. We have to go back to the Institute right now," Alec says looking around prepared for a fight. Also worried that something might hurt the older Fray. 

Clary leaves Julian's arms and goes towards Alec, Julian tries to grab her back as he can tell she is fuming with anger but Clary moves out of his reach.

"So, what now? Valentine has our Mom and Dot, and we're just gonna give up? Clary asks looking at Alec before turning to look at Jace.

"What about our memories? They can't just be gone?" Clary asks Jace who just crossed his arms over his chest, sharing a look with the other two shadowhunters.

"There is another option," Jace says making Alec and Izzy immediately begin to protest.

"Don't even-."

"Absolutely not."

Julian frustrated with not getting a clear answer walks up to Alec and grabs his hand, "Please Alec, if there is a way to get our memory back please let us know. I need to find my family." 

Alec not wanting to cause the man more heartbreak slowly turns and nods his head at Jace, giving him the approval. 

"I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers," Jace says to Izzy.

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Clary asks the three shadowhunters.

"They sound like a boy band. Oh Simon you wish you could have thought of that first for your band huh," Julian says chuckling and looking back at him. 

"Nice Julian," Simon says smiling. 

Jace laughs with Julian while high-fiving him. Once they calmed down Jace addresses Clary's question. "They're Shadowhunters with superior powers," Jace informs the two.

"Who possesses the ability to recover memories," Izzy adds as Julian and Clary share a look silently agreeing. 

Alec notices the exchange. "A process that can also kill you, so there's that," Alec tells the two. 

Simon points to Alec. "Your bedside manner is abysmal," Simon tells Alec.

"What other choice do we have," Julian says looking at Alec with desperation in his eyes. Alec's face drops and grabs his hand giving it a soft squeeze. 

Izzy realizing Alec has given in quickly turns to Jace. "You can't ask them to do this. They don't know what they're facing. They're not prepared," Izzy says shaking her head.

"The choice is already made, let's go!" Julian says sharply walking back to the van with a scowl, with Clary following beside him.

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