Boy: I wanna break up...
Girl:It's Stacy...
Girl:isn't it
Girl:that's your fucking cousin Max, that's disgusting
Boy: uhh...
Boy: how'd yk....
Boy: I didn't tell anyone...
Girl:I hooked up with Josh anyway (boys bad)
Girl:He's got a massive dick, bigger then yours anyway
Girl:mine is bigger and I don't even have one
Girl:or do I
Boy: stfu I've never liked you anyways you're so ugly you're the reason I've been ga- I mean that I went to my own cousin instead go kys
Girl:that's why I fucked your dad
Boy: that's why I fucked your mom
Girl:my mom's dead you cock sucking fuck
Boy: then who's the lady living in your basement...
Girl:None of your fucking business that's who
Girl:I cheated on you with multiple men, also...
Boy: same
Girl:I-.... I
Boy: I'm sorry I've been gay this whole time
Girl: I have too...
Boy: it was to get closer with your brother....
Girl:I'm sorry your mom was too fuckable.
Boy: yeah same but with your dad... I couldn't resist
Girl:Is that why he died of herpes you selfish slut
Boy: wait what mo
Girl:he's dead bc of you
Girl:I thought it was bc I accidentally gave him raw food
Girl:but no, it's all your fault
Girl:Anyway can I borrow like $192
Boy: yeah sure *gives 192$*
Girl:Thanks *hugs*
Boy: np😨
Girl:Anyway *pulls out gun*
Girl:I'm sorry it had to end this way
Boy: *takes it and shoots myself* 😎
Girl:Well shit...
Boy: 💀
Girl: *pulls out phone*
Girl: yo boss he killed himself, do I still get paid
Girl: *takes boy's wallet*
Girl: Man all this for what? Mom died, my brother died, I'm gonna lose my job, my bf who wasn't actually my bf killed himself...
Boy: 💀
Girl: *walks away with tears flowing down her red Rosey cheeks*
Girl:I'll never forget you...
Boy: 💀
Girl: *Shoots herself in the gut, slowly waiting to bleed out*
Girl:I'm coming mom, I'm on my way
Girl: *ascended to the heavens*
Boy: 💀 (the boy went to hell)
Girl: *opens eyes*
Boy: 💀
Girl: it's so... Hot?
Girl:Man wtf...
Boy: 💀
Girl: *turns head to see her ex bf/target*
Girl: *tears roll down her face*
Boy: 😨
Girl: I can't take this anymore
Boy: Jessica-
Girl: Max...
Boy: ...
Girl: so uhhh....
Boy: ummm...
Girl: Wanna have a threesome with Satan?
Boy: sure
Narrator:They all had a threesome when God walked in on them. He soon joined.
Narrator:They all died
The end..
Boy/Max: Me😋
Girl/Jessica: Lunar_EcIipse
The middle school breakup
AksiThis is abt a girl and a boy named max and jessica, max decided to break up with her to leave her for someone.. everything ends up doing downhill.