~Just This Once - Terukane~

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Minor Manga Spoilers for the Clock Keeper Arc!

"Dammit, Pres, there's no way you can do this-"
"It is technically a part of what I do, so yes, yes I can."


"Up bup bup, Aoi."

Akane Aoi sighed. "Godammit..." he muttered.

Teru Minamoto smirked and turned back to his desk.

"Can you at least let me down so I can work?"

"Ah, well, you see... I work better alone." Teru smiled as he turned around again to face Akane.

"Alright, how about letting me down because you're a decent person? Or is that also a lie?" Akane continued to try and get out of the beads.

"Oh, Aoi... how do I put this..."


"Shhh, someone else might hear."

"Let me down!!" He said, slightly quieter.


Teru snapped and the beads came back to him. Akane crashed into the floor. He quickly stood up and brushed himself off, fixing his glasses.

"Yoink~" Teru snatchd the glasses away and put them on. "How do I look?"
"Why does it matter?" Some little Mokke ran behind Teru. "Just gimme back my glasses-" He tried to take them back. Teru stopped him.

"How. Do. I. Look?"

Akane rolled his eyes. "You look great Pres, like you always do."

"Why thank you." Teru laughed a little bit and handed the glasses back.

"My god, will you please just let me work?" Akane sat down at his desk.

"Ah, I suppose I should." Teru walked up behind Akane and rested his elbow on his head as he looked at his computer. "Didn't you finish all the budget reports?"

"There were a few more I needed to finish." Akane didn't look away from the screen.

"How about this, afterwards we can go and get ice cream or something. To make up for everything I've done." Teru said. Akane paused to stare at the president.

"You're planning something." Not even a question.

"I'm not, I'm not, just trying to be nice!"

"Uh huh. Sure." Akane turned back to the computer. "Sure, I'll come. See what tricks you have up your sleeve."

"C'mon, don't be like that, Aoi! If it'll make you feel better, I can ask my brother if he wants to come with one of his friends." Akane rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Lemme just finish these up and we can head out."


Teru texted Kou and asked if he would meet them there. Kou said yes, and that he would ask Mitsuba if he wanted to come.

About 10 minutes passed before Akane finished.

"Alright. Let's go." He stood up and walked out of the student council room with Teru. The halls were empty. They left the school and walked to the ice cream place.

Kou and Mitsuba were waiting, already eating their own ice cream.

Teru waved and they walked in to get their own.

They all enjoyed talking and eating their ice cream that afternoon. 

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