Kayleigh and Ashton

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Kayleigh and Ashton went out for some ice cream. They went to a place called Blue Bell. Ashton got vanilla ice cream and Kayleigh got rocky road ice cream. They also shared a chocolate milkshake. Kayleigh made Ashton pose with his ice cream cone and she posted it on Facebook. That went viral within 30 minutes.
"How's your ice cream?"-Ashton
"Good! You should try it some time. It's called rocky road."-Kayleigh
"I will! Wanna go walk down to the beach?"-Ashton
They walked down to the beach and walked on the shore line until they found a good place to sit and watch the sunset. The water was crystal blue and the sunset was beautiful.
"This is amazing!"-Kayleigh
They cuddled up in a blanket and watched the sun go down. Ashton walked Kayleigh to her car and gave her a goodbye kiss. Kayleigh had never kissed anyone before so at least she could say her first kiss was to a superstar. Anyway, they kissed for about 2 minutes but it was time to leave so Ashton promised to call her everyday to stay in touch. Kayleigh waved good bye and drove home.
All the dates were done for the day, but tomorrow all 5 couples were going on a date together. They didn't know where but it was going to be extravagant.

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