The New Way of Survival.

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"...SHIT!" Lee yelled, realized what could be a grave mistake. You looked to her running figure and immediately followed after her. You both scrambled downstairs, the loud thumps echoing through the empty home. The both of you landed on the floor on your butts from running too fast and too hard. You panted, tired from the running.Lee ran to the door and locked and dead bolted it, then ran back to you. She helped you up, dragged you around the house having you help her spend close to an hour closing out all the windows and doors. You both then ran to the living room, where you then sat down onto the couch while Lee laid onto the floor beside.

Lee then looked up into your eyes, and surprisingly, she looked calm. "How the hell are you calm through all of this?! Its fucking crazy and your just looking to me like you just finished taking a picture!!" You practically shrieked at your best friend. She just smirked and merely cocked her head to the side. You crossed your arms over your chest, causing your shirt to slightly ruffle. She stood up, and then pointedly looked into your eye liner lined (e/c) eyes, causing you to curiously glance back to her with an confused facial expression.

"Remember that one Saturday, where we both lazed around gaming?" Lee asked, sitting beside you with an bemused expression gracing her slightly pierced face. How could you forget? That was one of the few days that Lee wasn't yelling or getting into a fight with another bully of yours.


Lee and I sat in my room, you perched on your (f/c) bed, with her laying against the back board, the both of you having x-box controllers within your grasps. "Ugh!! Why is this game so fucking hard?!!" Lee exclaimed, her character having just narrowly escaped death, a horde of zombies still chasing her. Your character sat on top of the building she was trying to reach, you laughing your butt off. "Ha! Proves that your not as good a 'Zombie Master' as you claimed!" You said, falling back against the bed from your laughter. Lee glared up and then got an idea. She took out her sniper rifle, aimed quickly, and was able to snipe you quickly off of the building.

"Ha! Take that!" She yelled, only seconds before her character was taken by the horde of zombies, causing her character to ultimately die a gruesome and pixel portrayed death. "Oi!! Hope you son of bitches catch Ebola!!" she yelled, causing you to once more bust into a loud laughter, causing her black painted and double pierced lips to form a cocky smirk.


"How could I forget? You almost got me into trouble with my neighbors!" You muttered. You then repeated a little louder, "So? I remember, whats your point?" You exclaimed, she just giving you that dang cocky expression. "It means you have the Zambie Master with you!! Your will most certainly live on with me by your side!" She exclaimed, pulling a superman pose. You then rolled your eyes, but that was immediately wiped off when you saw your outfit. She was dressed in her classic batman tank and skinny jeans from earlier, but you were in your pajamas. You got off of your couch, and started upstairs, her following you up the carpeted steps. You reached your door and stepped in, her following you in, against your pleas for her to stay outside.

"Whattcha doin?" Lee asked, plopping herself onto your bed. You turned to her, then turned back to your dresser. You went and selected a pair of black skinnies, ripped at the knees and a few ripped and scratched places above your knees. You then grabbed your favorite Black veil bride tee, and then went and quickly changed into them, Lee merely closing her eyes and laying against the pillows. You then went over to your closet and had a selective choice to make: You black leather jacket, or your black Black veil Bride hoodie. You reached over and grabbed the leather jacket, and shrugged it on, then grabbed your combat boots. You slipped them on and then walked back over to the mirror you had looked at your outfit earlier in.

Your face had black eyeliner on, and your (e/c) eyes looked dead on to your reflection. Your tee had the faces off the band on it, with the star symbol above it. Your black skinnies made your legs look tinier than they usually looked. Your combat boots gave your already tall figure another inch or two. You gave a smirk at your reflection. Your dressing choices had always pissed off your mother whenever she saw them. You had always never gotten along with either of your parents, causing your life to stray away from the perfect family image they had imagined for their family, as they called it. Personally, you had never thought of them as family, more as just...people that you lived with.

You then turned to Lee, and she gave you a similar smirk, until you heard a small scream nearby. You both looked towards the window, Her blue and your (e/c) irises looking out of your black draped window to see your neighbor having a complete fit. She had always stared at you whenever you walked by, like she expected you to steal or break something. Upon closer inspection, both of your black clothed bodies saw that she was being chased by a raggedy, bloody and torn apart figure. Your eyes went wide, your (h/c) hair covering one of your eyes. You looked to each other, and gave the other a single nod.

You both closed the window and then started rushing around the room. You didn't expect for your parents to come back, but that wasn't what you were concerned for right now. You grabbed a batman traveling bag that would go over one shoulder and hang at your hips. During many of you and Lee's gaming sessions, you had robbed people during these types of situations and knew what you needed to pack. You grabbed your other hoodie and then grabbed another set of clothing. You and Lee started down the stairs, and then quietly ran to the kitchen. You grabbed some water bottles, then also went to the cabinets and grabbed the cabinets hidden objects, canned foods.

You then turned to Lee to see her staring outside, watching the streets. You walked over to her and tapped her shoulder, startling her out of her daze. "The fuck??? Oh hey, You ready?" Lee said, returning to her normal and calm state. You nodded and gave a shrug. "Lets just get the fuck outta here. Bad memories." You stated. When you stepped outside, you saw that the night was on full swing, seeing the red flashing lights of the neighboring cities policemen trying to calm the disturbances of the outbreak. You saw on the lawn that the men that had been fixing a leak on your houses garage had left two of their working supplies. Lee ran over, and successfully found two metal poles, each about three and a half feet long.

She handed one to you, and swung the other one halfway over her shoulder. "Well then, ready to leave this life behind (y/n)?" She said, giving your house a look over. You shrugged then smirked. "Lets go kick some zombie ass. I wanna head into the city and see if we can scrap up some things." You stated, looking to Lee to see if she followed through on the idea. She rolled her eyes and nodded, giving her usual cocky-ass smirk. "Hells yeah. I'm going where you are. Maybe we'll even get to save some peoples asses." She stated, then starting walking down the sidewalk, you then following along.

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