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The rest of the day goes by normally except for the fact that the guy I sat with ended up being in every single one of my classes including lunch not to mention the fact that he keeps staring at me. Speaking of lunch something incledibly weird happened. Albert came over and sat with me. The whole time all he did was stare at me. I finally got the confidence to ask him what he was looking at but before I could say anything the bell rang and he was gone.

On my way home I decide to look for him on the school website and see what his deal was. When I get home I've had enough time to see that the only thing about him on the website was his number and his name. I decide to text him with my {wait for it, wait for it...} white samsung galaxy 6s {I know "ewwwww samsung" but hey their practically industructable}.

I walk through the front door and guess what no one's home. Yet there's still no response from Albert { I wonder if it's the right number}. After a while I give up knowing there won't be a response. I decide to ask Russell if he wants to hang out. To my surprise he says yes.

We decide to go to timms {I know I'm not a typical white girl}{ even Russell 's surprised by my non-white girl self}. After we're done with our drinks we decide to go to the mall {I need a new dress for my swim banquet anyway}. I tell Russell that I need to get a dress and he optimistically sais he wants to help me find a dress {shocking I know}.

After trying a couple of stores I have no luck, then suddenly I see it, the dress I've been looking for. I drag Russell into the store so I can try it on.
I get out of the fitting room and ask Russell how I look. No response. "Do I look that bad" I ask. "You look gorgeous" Russell finally answers. I blush. "thanks" I finally mutter. While we head back home I see Russell staring at me , "do I have something on my face" I ask. "No" he responds. "then what is it" I calmlly ask " has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?" I blush {again} "no" "well then that means everyone is blind cause you really are" I blush {again} "thanks".

This time when I get home my mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. "tonight we're having your favorite; chili!" exclaims my mom. "Thank you" I yell back at her. I go upstairs and check my phone to see if Albert has responded or at least saw the txt and like expected nothing. Then when all hope is lost I go take a shower. The only thing I have in mind is my conversation with Russell {I can't belive he thinks I beautiful, even I don't think that}. After my shower I see that I have a message. After I'm in my robe I decide to read it {like a normal person}
-Today was fun
- we should hang out again
-just you and me ❤

-definatly ❤
Pleased with myself I get changed into some confier clothes and go watch a movie downstairs. "Honey I'm leaving" my mom yells "I have to go to aunt Linda's, I'll be back in a couple hours be good" "k mom bye, I love you". Since mom's gone why not invite Russell over.
-you wanna come over and watch a movie
-sure be over in a sec

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