Chapter 4

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the next morning I wakeup daisd from the dream I had last night not remembering what it was about. There was one part of my dream that kept replaying in my head. It was the usual I'm falling dream, with a twist. In my dream I was falling with someone, I couldn't see his face but I remember I was in love with him {great now I'm in love with a dream boy}. I start of my day by getting ready for school. I do the usual; change, brush my teeth and hair, put my meakup on which consists of mascara and a bit of concealer. Eat breakfast {a bagel} and head off to school on my penyboard.

While on my way to school I hear someone running in the background. I stop turn and turn around to see Russell running full speed and yelling my name. But before I even have time to blink I find myself on the floor with Russell collapsed on top of me {I guess he bumped into me}. "I'm so sorry Kai" I hear him say out of breath "it's ok" i mumble. After getting up I smile "don't you take the bus to school" I ask not capable of stopping smiling "Ya but I wanted to walk you to school" He says blushing "Speaking of walking to school we should start or were going to be late".

When we get to school he walks me to my looker then to class. when we get in all the girls start staring at us, but mostly him. The teacher says take your spot and I go to sit beside Albert. "Start working on your project" the teacher yells at us, we all obey silently. "So what do you want to d ok for the project" I ask Albert. "I don't know". For our project we had to write a report on different type of people in the _____ {you get to chose where}. We end up doing different type of people in the parking lot.

When the bells rings I head over to my usual spot in the cafeteria, an empty table in the middle of the cafeteria. While I'm eating lunch Russell and Albert comme and sit with me. We talk and laugh about the most random things till the end of lunch and since it's our last period I head home. Russell walks me home. Before going inside he says "I missed you" " What" I reply baffled "all summer" "I couldn't stop thinking of you" " I missed you" "I missed you too". He hugged me, it lasted around 5 minutes but to me it felt like an eternity. I had never been to fond of hugging guys, but he was different. It was like our bodies were puzzle pieces and he was my missing piece. Where his chin started my head ended, where his body curved in my body curved out. After letting go i wished I didn't. As I saw him walk away I knew he was the one for me.

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