Prologue - The King of Thea

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Long ago, on an island called Kreg in Northern Europe, the new year was not celebrated.

This was only an issue because the Pope had just declared it a sacred holiday.

In Kreg Island, the King hated to celebrate parties that were not part of his culture. But it was not the same for citizens, the church was very popular for those who search for the hope of a better life.

Most importantly, there was a Count who always defied royal authority, since every new year he insisted on having a big party and inviting all his servants for the countdown.

It may seem silly to challenge the King for a simple party. But for the count, this was a way of showing the Old Fashioned King that modern practices had their advantages. No, the count could not be described as benevolent or a good person who loves to give banquets to his hungry people. But he was smart, with the end of the year party, the count gained popularity among the folk and the liking of the church, the secret ruler of Europe at that time.

At one point, the King came to feel threatened by the figure of the count.

That specific year, the Count muster up the courage and sent an invitation to the King. Surprisingly, the King accepted! He said he should take a chance, but if the party was not good, he would kill the Count for disobeying him.

So with a lot of fear and emotion, the Count set up the biggest holiday party ever. The whole kingdom went to celebrate for the first time.

When everyone was full and drunk the Count began the countdown and the citizens happy with the abundance began to count together. It was an incredible mix of thousands of voices.

When the countdown finally ended, everyone heard something falling.

Like a star falling to earth, right in the yard where the most important guests were celebrating.

The impact was so loud that anyone drunk enough to fall asleep was woken up.

In its place was a boy who suddenly appeared inside the castle without any guards noticing. As if he had always been there in the yard, in front of the Count.

"Boys don't fall from the skies! Who are you, boy?" Asked a King not so sober anymore.

The boy didn't speak any known language and he was dressed in an extremely old-fashioned manner, even for the time.

"A New year's miracle, a boy sent from the heavens!" the audience applauded. "Of course, a gift to me, a Count who was loyal to God for a whole year!"

The Count said to the King.

And surprisingly, the King bought it, in his manner.

"The boy is a Wizard. Sent to Kreg as a messiah to stop this blasphemous party." the King said, and so it became true.

The party ended on the spot with the King returning home and drunks being trowed away from the castle into the dark night.

The Count didn't die because his task was to properly raise the boy as a wizard.

The boy was bathed, dressed, tucked into bed, and the next day he was already receiving lessons.

The grateful Count Walford raised him as his own son and named him Nabee of Kreg. It was not so bad, the new year was now celebrated as one of Kreg's biggest parties, the commemoration of the Messiah's birthday, and the count still had his own head on his neck.

After a time Nabee was no different from any other boy, if not for the countless stories he had to tell, and the fact that they became true!

Nabee had proved his value and became something like Kreg's national treasure. As a reward, the Count received more lands than any other nobles and was the new right-hand man of the King (since the last one was decapitated).

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