Chapter 2- Could it be?

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I spent about 15 minutes just twirling through the hallways, examining the school where all my memories floated like ghosts. I came across a particular area where a few bullies began to punch me in grade 8. Eddie was being held back by one of the boys, struggling and trying to free himself. That day, I came home with Eddie and a black eye plus blood dripping down my chin. He insisted I'd meet his uncle and he could apply a bandage and clean the blood. We grew closer day by day back then.

I walked by another spot where I remember tripping on my shoelace and skidding my knee across the cold tile. Eddie helped me up and put a bandaid on the wound, careful not to hurt me. If only mental scars could be healed with a bandaid.


Eddie healed me with that bandaid.

The sound of a ticking clock bought my attention as my head bolted to the sound. Not Vecna's clock, yet the school clock placed perfectly in front of me. The red hand ticked per sound as a thought clicked. All the diagrams I drew and the things I planned out to bring Eddie back... suddenly made sense.

Could it be..?

Holy shit. There was one thing I hadn't thought about.

I gasped and held my breath as I bolted down the hallways, my shoes bruising my toes. My heart rate sped up as the air refreshed my face. My eyes wide open, I began to visualize everything. What I drew out. Trying to get Vecna to curse me. A possible way to bring Eddie back, restart his heartbeat, revive him.

After what seemed like forever, I came to a halt at the principal's door. It had been replaced. It used to be an old, green and scratchy one, but now brand new and red. I turned the nob but as my wrist twisted, I struggled to turn it fully.
"Shit." I whispered to myself. Locked.

This was an emergency. I could possibly save the life of the person I mourned for what, 6 months now? The person I contemplated, the memories I savored, all must add up to something for me to do.

I kicked the door once. Nothing budged, not even a scratch of paint. I kicked it again, but harder. This time, there was a tiny visible scratch imprinted on the perfected door.
"Third times the charm." I mumbled. I kicked the door with all my might, all my pain, all my anger and tears. Dust echoed the area as the door that was once standing, crashed onto the ground.

"Hey!" The principal bellowed from his seat. This desk was set in the center of the room, as well as the chair and himself. He looked raging mad as if I had hurt his feelings.
"Sorry, dude, it's an emergency." I sighed. I invited myself behind his desk and shoved him so he fell on the floor aggressively with a grunt.

To my relief, there was a microphone built into the top left corner of the desk.
"Hello? Testing.. testing." I spoke. I could hear the echo of my voice through the PA system outside the door. Now, all students and teachers were probably listening to the announcement, appalled that someone apart from the principal was speaking.

"Uh, um..." I stuttered. Suddenly, the principal sprung back up from the floor and attempted to punch me in the face. I caught his fist almost effortlessly and had to suppress my surprise that I just did that, while punching him in the face and knocking him out instantly.

I returned to the PA speaker casually.

"Could uh... Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair and Mike Wheeler please wait outside the school grounds for Chloe Edwards." I announced. I could almost sense their confused faces.

With that being said, I sprinted out of the classroom and almost tumbled down the stairs. A few students who were skipping class stared at me confused as they saw me for that split second. When I reached the front entrance, I burst out the front doors to see all their familiar faces waiting, looking confused.

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