{ long plane rides }

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You spend the plane ride cuddled together, talking softly amongst each other. You share lazy kisses as you watch movies on his laptop, ignoring the looks of the airhostesses. You share your hot pink ear buds for your ipod as you listen to the playlist you've made especially for the long plane ride.


You spend the ten-hour plane ride huddled down in your seats. You share kisses and ear buds as you listen to your iPod because Ross forgot his. You even whip out the coloring book you packed and color every single picture, the rest of the boys eventually joining in.


You watch movies on his laptop, giggling every time he presses his lips to your neck. You recline your seats after sharing the snacks you've packed for the plane ride, cuddling close together as you quietly discuss all the things you're hoping for once landing. You fall asleep after a few hours of talking and wake up when the plane finally touches down.


You spend the 8 hours from LA to London watching a variety of your favorite standup comedians and having to be shhh'd by the airhostess on a number of occasions.


The plane has barely taken off before the both of you are asleep; him, resting against the window as you rest against his shoulder.
im making it up to you guys by posting what i dont have published:)

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