The Letter - Chapter 1

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Mexican food my beloved <3
So this story is about a made up hotel me and my friends made up
But I got too carried away lmao
Oki enjoy :D
Heyoo, my name is Z Coolest.
Yes, THAT Z Coolest
The one who invented the glorious Chairs Inn.
But, there must be some dumbasses asking
'Oh? But then how come u aren't the CEO? You must be lying! jCEO is the only owner of the hot-'
I made the hotel and sold it to jCEO for 2763636372773636673363 dollars.
Also he offered me a job here :D
I get to work as the front office lady and get paid $100 by the hour
I get a bunch of jobs like checking people in, selling rooms, promoting business, reading complaints, reading reviews, building and buy things for the CEO, and checking the mail.
Speaking of mail-that's where I'm going right now
I look at my super-cool-and-definitely-expensive watch to check the time, it was 10:54am
I'm late
I bolt down the sidewalk, shoving people aside as I rushed to the mailbox
I stopped just in time-almost slamming into the metal compartments
I straighten myself and reach into my bag to find the key ring with ALL the keys.
I fumble with all my things
I pull out a rubber duck
A plushie bear in a bee costume
A pillow
A book shelve full of graphic novels
A Harry Potter Lego I was saving for later
Some lame drawings
And finally after throwing it all over my shoulder, I find the key ring and search for the purple spotted key-the mailbox key
I find an orange stripped key
A green and blue key
A half white half black key
A yellow and black key
A pink key
And finally the purple spotted one
I go over to the 5th mailbox and find the 12th compartment and shove the key in the keyhole
When I open the gate I pull out all the letters and leave the packages in
As I shift through the letters I mutter
"Bills, bills, bills, fanmail, tax evasion, bills, bills, rent due, more tax evasion-jeez jCEO is on a role, fanmail, magazines, and-" I stop as I stare at the final letter
It reads:
To: Z Coolest
From: Cikness
please come home
I grab the rest of the packages and messily relock the mailbox before turning around to sprint back to jCEO's office
At least I would've if there wasn't a person standing behind me
So instead of using my momentum to run I used it to smash into someone
I apologize loudly as I stand up and offer the stranger my hand
"Hah..It's ok, I should've stand farther back"
They grin grabbing my hand
I pull them up
"I'm Z Coolest, what's your name?"
"OMG YOU'RE THAT Z COOLEST???" They scream
"Slow ur role bestie" I say as I put my finger on their lip to shut them up
A bit of blush dusted their cheeks
"Bestie did u get sunburned??" I ask cupping their cheeks and rotating their head
"NOIMFINE" They hastily scream pushing my hands away
"I'm sorry.." they sigh
"No it's fine" I grin
"My name's Bee Epic" They smile putting their hands on their hips
I chuckle at their confidence
"Im-well you already know who I am" I ramble
"Anyways..can I get ur number so I can talk to you more? Im kinda in a hurry so I don't got long" I say fumbling with my phone
"I can see that. You bumped into me, but yea. My number's ###-###-####" I blush in embarrassment
"Ok! I'll text you in a bit, bye Bee!!" I yell as I run away
I raise my speed as I get closer and closer to the hotel
I'm so lucky the door is open
I get closer and closer to the door until..
Wait a minute, how could the door be open if it's automatic..?
Luckily the answer hit me straight in the face!
I ran into the door.
It open and I stumbled inside
"I think I broke my nose.." I mutter as I get to the elevator
I step inside the empty 'room' and reach inside my bag again
I pull out my keycard and scan it
"Authentication; state your name and purpose"
Kinda funny how old our building is but how high-tech our things are
Probabaly cuz jCEO only cares about himself-I MEAN HIS HOTEL
I'm gonna get fired
"Uhm..Z Coolest, I'm coming to see jCEO and update him"
"Personnel recognized. Welcome back, Z"
The elevator starts moving and I just stare at the ceiling
I bet you'd never know but I'm actually the highest rank at the hotel other than jCEO.
Since I made the hotel I have the keycard that unlocks everything along with the keyring that also unlocks everything.
Since I built the hotel, even if I didn't have the keycard I would be able to get everywhere since I know all the passwords and shit.
When the elevator comes to the stop I stumble a bit, surprised by the sudden change of pressure
When the doors open I see jCEO look at me with an annoyed expression
I immediately stand up straight
"Mrs. Coolest..We had a meeting arranged?"
I pull out a clipboard and flip through a few papers
"Uhm..We have a meeting scheduled for 11:50 with the building permit people to expand to a food court, another for 2:40am with MoonDollars to put their coffee shop in the hotel, another meeting at 4:30 with BurgerQueen to ask to put their restaurant in our hotel, and then you have a reservation for two at Le Fancay Ressturant Down le Street. You also have some more meetings to get more restaurants in your food court down the weeks to come." I say slowly but confidently
"Good, Do you have the mail" jCEO says with a genuine smile
I sigh and start digging through my bag trying to find the mail that was hastily shoved in
The thing about jCEO is he acts like a goofball business man on TV but in real life he's stiff as a board
Yet, I still think of him as a father of mine.
(Bullshit angst incoming)
I'm an orphan so, I don't have any real people to take care of me.
I never really knew my parents either so it was just me, myself, and I since I was 5
I got kicked out the second I could walk and form full sentences
My parents did sign me up for school so I took the opportunity to learn
They put me in a program that took me for free and I learned and learned and learned
Part of the program was having one of the teachers following and help you in classes.
My teacher would always pay for my school supplies and classes because he felt bad for me
When I started high school and college he paid for everything and was like the big brother I never had.
(I'm losing my mind so sorry if this story is completely bullshit)
When I chose to study architecture he helped me build my first building which was a coffee shop!
Of course, it was terribly designed but it was the though that counted <3
The only problem was, I still had no parental guidance
So one day I got together the confidence to ask him to adopt me
Bad decision.
He refused and cut off all contact
I was a wreck but I had barely enough money to afford an apartment for a bit
I bought my own plot of land after working many jobs and built Chairs Inn!
After realizing I couldn't afford rent I put it up for sale and jCEO bought it!
He offered me a job and a bunch of money-but that doesn't really matter cuz I live at the hotel anyways
I have my own private suite on the floor under jCEO
There are 6 floors available for the customers,
1st floor: Lobby, kitchen, and dining area
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th: rooms and suites, they're usually 10 rooms, 5 suites, and 2 double suites on each floor
And then the other 3 floors are more complicated
6th floor: employee suites-most of them choose to stay at the hotel since they're suites are pretty nice-there are 20 suites
7th floor: me and the other high leveled employees
(there's like 5 of us and we get A WHOLE FLOOR!!)
We all have double suites for any guests we bring that can only be entered with a special keycard
And finally,
8th floor: jCEO's floor. He gets the ENTIRE floor and fills it with all his stuff.
The floor is always guarded by security and they need to scan some stuff, ask a passcode, a bunch of security bullshit
They're easy to knock out so it doesn't really matter
Well, except for the fact you get shocked if u don't disable the door properly
I snap back to reality
as my hand lands on the mail
I hastily pull it out and hand jCEO the packages and letters
"We have the basic stuff; bills, fanmail, tax evasion, and rent notes" I say as I put my hands back in my bag and grasp my letter
"Perfect..Why do you look so nervous..?" jCEO says looking at me with concern
Oh no the mother instincts
"I..uhm..I got a letter and-..My sister requested I..come home.." I stutter
He held out his hand and I put the letter in it
"Have you opened it yet?" He asked turning the letter around in his hand and skimming the front
"N-No." I mutter
"I'll give you the night to read it then tomorrow we'll talk, ok?" He replies smiling as he hands the letter back to me
I nod and start walking towards the elevator
"Oh and one more thing" I stop walking
"That reservation..That's for you. You can take whoever you want with you, just remember to dress fancy"
"B-But sir! That restaurant is so expensive I can't afford the cheapest thing on the menu by a mile!" I say turning around hastily
"Then take this!" He exclaims throwing something at me
"A WALLET!?!?!" I scream
I quickly slam my hand over my mouth
"Hah...Don't hurt yourself. Anyways~ I have a spare and I don't really want that one so like, you can have it. It'll be enough money to afford a few things" he says rubbing two of his fingers together
"OMFG THANK U SM" I run to the elevator and slam into the door
Hey besties
Hope u likes this chapter :D
It's long ik but that's good????
Anyways remember ilyyy <333
I have so many plot twists planned mwhahahahha
Bye betsiesss
Bye My Love <3

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