Is This a Date?? - Chapter 3

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So like
Sorry if this sucks
I've never written a date before
Anyways um
Not shipping real people
Just OCs/Personas
Also Love if u get uncomfortable I'll change anything <3
I look in the mirror one last time before I leave

I'm wearing a classic white dress shirt and a black suit top

I have a yellow and black striped tie and dark gray (not black) ripped jeans

I have black dress shoes that I stole from my brother, Tubbo
He wore them when he went on his first date with Ranboo

Wait, is this a date??
It can't be, we literally met this morning!

I blush while I start walking to the door
I hesitate before opening the door, what if we never talk after this? What if I scare her off??

I sigh and open it, ignoring the thoughts
I see a woman with purple bangs and a purple dress shirt in a purple convertible
Must really like purple

I turn around, lock the door, and start walking towards the fancy car

Z is on her phone so I knock on the car door to tell her I'm here
She looks up and smiles

"Bee! You look great"
"Thanks you too" I say getting into the passenger seat

Z clicks something on her phone then sets it down in the cup holder

We buckle up and she starts the car
When it starts music starts playing

"This is my favorite song" Z smiles
A bunch on songs play
Best Tears by the Happy Fits
Loverboy by A-Wall
Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny

After a few minutes of driving we arrived at Le Fancay Ressturant Down le Street

We got out the car and walked into the restaurant
Z pulls out her phone and finds a barcode then holds it up  to the person at the front counter

The person scans it then asks
"Z Coolest-reservation for 2"
"Follow me"

He starts walking and we follow him to our booth
Z is fidgeting nervously with her fingers so I grab her hand and she seems to calm down a bit

When he stops walking he hands us two menus and we settle down into our seats
The booth is amazing

It's a corner seat with red cousins and a dark oak table with red details, though some parts of the accents are a darker shade of red, closer to blood red.
Not gonna question it

We sit down and open our menus
"Can I get you two anything to drink?" The waiter asks flipping through a note pad

"I'll have a coke" Z said
"Just a water" I say

The waiter nods and walks back to the kitchen
I look around for a bit and see a bunch of other booths with fancy schmancy people

I saw someone who looked like the singer Saylor Twift but that'd be impossible
No way we could be at a restaurant THAT fancy!!

I look at Z and see her looking down at our hands
I realize we're still holding hands and attempt to pull away but Z glances at me briefly before blushing and looking away so I stop and instead squeeze her hand slightly

I blush and stare at my menu while using my free hand to flip through it
When the waiter comes back again he hands us our drinks and Z quickly let's go of my hand to hand the waiter both of our menus

"What would you like to eat?" He asks ready to write down our orders
"Could I get the chicken cheese quesadillas with a side of fries?" Z requests

I could see her get sorta nervous
People suck
"Could I get some chocolate chip pancakes with the mixed fruit?"

I could tell the waiter was annoyed
Probably cuz we ordered shit we could find at Troger
But he sucked it up, put on a fake smile, wrote our order down, and got the fuck back to the kitchen

I looked at Z for a bit before taking a sip of my water and smiling at her
She blushed and looks away
"Hey quick question?" Z asks
"Hm?" I reply
"I-Is this a date?" Z mutters blushing
"HAH-what. I-I mean, if you want it be it can be" I reply with a nervous but genuine grin
Z smiles at me
"Then it is" she says grabbing my hand again

   ~time skip brought to you by my bullshit story telling abilities~

After our food came nothing really happened but it was late so we decided we would have another date this following weekend (it is Tuesday)

I drove Bee home and we said our goodbyes
As I drove back to the hotel I realized something
"I have to tell jCEO about this"
Don't worryyyyy
They won't have a perfect relationship :D
Someone's gonna mess it up sooner or later <3
Love u guysssss
Bye besties
Bye My Love :D

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