Panic - Chapter 2

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Hope u like this chapter :)
Also I am so sorry the formatting is messed up I really tried to fix it but it wouldn't cooperate
Just imagine it's normal lol

I'm mentally screaming my head off as I try to find a decent outfit for the restaurant

The second I get back to my room I pull out my phone and immediately find Bee's contact
                                      BEE 🐝
Hey Bee! It's me Z, I was
wondering if you'd wanna
go to a restaurant with me?
Sure! Tonight? I'd love to
come :D
Just lemme know when
you'll pick me up ;)
I'll pick u up at 8 lol
We're going to Le Fancay
         Ressturant Down le Street
So dress fancy <3
It's okkkkk they won't mindddd
-end of flashback-
So now I'm having a mental breakdown because I have nothing to wear

I fumble with my phone until I find my go-to person and call them
Luckily they pick up

"Who is this? State your name-Oh! Z! What can I do for you" jCEO says
I can hear the smile in his voice


"Calm down darling, I'll have one of my tailors deliver you something to wear" jCEO says giggling

I was about to hang up before he says
"Oh! And call me if you need something, I'd love to hear the details if you happen to need another date" He smirks hanging up

I feel the blood rush to my face as I blush I throw my phone onto my bed
Is this a date..?

Suddenly someone knocks on the door
I open it
"H-Hi..Did you order a fancy outfit from jCEO?" A short woman at the door says nervously
I chuckle

"Yes !! Thank you so much" I smile at her
The woman moves out of the doorframe and comes back with a mannequin

I help her and together we move it into my suite.
Before she leave I ask her "Hey, what's your name?"
"Michelle" she says with a shy smile
" nice name!" I say with a smile

We wave goodbye and she leaves
I flop onto the bed and sigh before picking up my phone
It buzzes and I let go

"OW GOD DAMNIT" I yell as the phone falls on my face
"" I mumble picking it up and checking what the notification was

"HOLY SHIT" I yell as I read it
It was from Bee!
"Almost time :D"
No way it's already 7!
I was right
IT WAS 7:34

I quickly sit up and get dressed in the outfit jCEO bought for me

It was a lavender dress shirt with a black sleeveless vest on top

There were black cargo pants with a checkered belt that had small pouches attached to the sides
The shoes were black chunky heels

And the mannequin was COVERED with jewelry
She had earrings, necklaces, and a watch
You could tell they were expensive.

The cherry on top was that the outfit had cat ears to top it off!
I quickly got changed and put on some basic makeup

I did my hair with two braids on either side of my head and popped the cat ears on my head
When I checked my phone I saw I had 10 minutes to pick up Bee

"The earlier the better...besides I don't even know where he lives!"
I grab an empty bag and shove some basic shit in it

I grab my phone and start running to the elevator
When I get safely inside I start texting Bee
                                       Bee 🐝
Hey Bee!
                                                                  Where do u live?
                                                               I MEAN WHERE
                                                    SHOULD I PICK U UP
My address is
######### ##
                                                                  On my way :DD
I arrive at Bee's place and park on the curb
Now to wait
This one was shorter than the other :((
But that was probably like one of my longest chapters so-
Anyways ilyyy
Bye besties :D
Bye My Love <33

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